Chapter 3

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A few hours later that night, Abhishek returned from the library to find Arjun thoroughly drunk. That made him an obnoxious companion. However, Abhi was surprised and concerned for his friend. Earlier that day, Arjun was in a buoyant mood and looked as if he was about to conquer the entire world.

Abhi wondered, what happened to Arjun's quest. Quest was what it had been to find out about her. Ha! sweet Tanvi! Thinking about her left a bittersweet taste in his mouth. Knowing about her was a revelation. She was sweet, fiercely independent but still retained some innocence in her eyes. Abhi too wanted to know about her and did not stop Arjun when he began his pursuit, though it was ethically wrong. She was not a possible business associate or a future client. She was just Tanvi.

Tanvi was out of bounds not because she was unattainable— it was because Arjun had lost his mind over her and made it obvious. A girl shouldn't cause rift between friends and Abhishek was too loyal to give up that kind of friendship for just a wisp of a girl. Abhishek had nipped his interest in Tanvi right then, than to sabotage their friendship.

"Hey Abhi, so you are back? It's over dear friend. She won't have me because she doesn't trust. You know she snatched her hand from me? I so wanted to touch her. It was my finest moment when I seized her hand. I don't know how I held back from pulling her close and kiss her senseless."

Arjun groaned and continued in a despairing voice, "Ah! sweet love! She is everything we found out. She is much more. I want her man, I just want her. I fucked it. I'm bloody hell fucked up. She called me Arjun, she remembered, ARJUN— my name sounded like sweet honey on her wonderful, kissable lips. It was too much. And I fucked the whole thing."

Arjun hiccupped his way to his bed, "Tanvi...oh God!...I know I fucked it. I'm sorry."

Abhishek was speechless for a full minute. His level headed, cool as cucumber friend was breaking into pieces, right in front of him and he didn't know what to do.


"Why are you looking at me as if I'm a hounded animal? Did I sprout a pair of heads?" Arjun snapped.

Abhishek smiled at him mockingly, "Nah, not heads. I just thought you would've gained more sense. You still seem to be lacking most of it."

Arjun scowled, tried to stand up but immediately sat down, clutching his head.

"Take this mongrel," Abhishek pushed a paracetamol tablet and a bottle of water into his hands. Arjun cursed colorfully and swallowed the tablet. He drained the bottle and cursed again.

"I can do without those, you know. You must be grateful to me, for me being here," Abhishek uttered, coolly sat at his customary place and continued, "Is it true? She doesn't want you? Do you think I have a chance then?"

Arjun got up and went for Abhishek's throat with frightening violence. Abhishek just deflected his hand and pushed him to the floor, "I think you need to strengthen your reflexes."

Abhi went got to his laptop on his desk and said, "And beggars can't be choosers."

"I hope you too burn your bum and sit right next to me here. She is worth more than both of us put together, you know," Arjun muttered savagely.

"That's jealousy talking my friend," Abhishek said looking straight, at his friend.

Arjun caught something in Abhi's eyes but Abhishek schooled his features so quickly, Arjun thought, he imagined it, "Are you seriously going to try?" Arjun was baffled.

Abhishek burst out laughing which did not reach his eyes. Arjun knew it then, that Abhishek was equally struck with this girl but for some reason he didn't want to let it on and Arjun respected him enough not to pester him. Arjun changed the subject and spoke at length about their future business and things that needed immediate attention.

Abhishek, gratefully, accepted the change in topic. They switched topics at ease —assignments, projects and likewise. The pill aided to clear Arjun's fogged mind, he helped himself to two more bottles of water and then a cup of strong black filter coffee.

After a couple of productive hours, Abhishek wanted to stretch his legs and went out, while Arjun freshened up and set his room straight. He liked to live in a tidy and clean room and was glad that Abhishek shared his penchant for cleanliness. He checked his schedule for the day, he still had a couple of hours before lunch and then afternoon classes.

Arjun sat down thinking about his last night's disastrous meeting. He wanted to abort the whole thing and start afresh with someone else. He was young, so resilient, and with proper effort can easily forget her, correct? No? He was surprised to realise, that in all these weeks, Tanvi had indeed gotten under his skin. How did that happen?

Arjun looked up when Abhishek came in and sat down, "I need your help," Arjun whispered.

Abhishek arched both his brows in amusement. 

Arjun took a deep breath to face a mocking remark from his friend but when none came he looked up, "What? No funny rejoinders?"

Abhishek shook his head, "I know when you are serious and really need me, Arjun."

He didn't know what to say and smiled sincerely, when Abhishek continued, "So what do you have in mind? Is it about how to win her back?"

Arjun nodded, "I seriously don't have anything in my mind and that's where I need your help."

Abhishek was astounded to find Arjun's stark look of longing and something else which he faithfully thought as love.

"I never thought I'll see the light of the day when you are going to pieces like this. In a way, I'm pleased that you found someone worth all this and sad that I'll lose you, shortly."

Arjun gave him a rakish smile, moved to hug Abhishek and jokingly added, "Sweetheart. I didn't know you love me so much. Is it true Abhishek? Do you love me and find me attractive? ah, God! I see I hurt your feelings. You know what, I don't mind having you here as my concubine."

Abhishek pushed him and laughed, "Perverted stinkhole, stay away from me."

Arjun tried to move much closer making kissing sounds. Abhishek laughed harder and successfully pushed him aside.

"You do know right, mongrel? I, being your friend, am the only saving grace of your sorry life?"

"Yeah, yeah I know. I return the same sentiment, with love, asshole," Arjun mocked and burst out laughing.

"I'm not sure Arjun, I'm not an expert in these things and equally clueless. I think being honest is the only course to take, since you screwed up in a big way. Try and get in touch with her first. We'll think of the rest later. I'm sure you'll come up with something and I'll support you anytime. Please go slow. I think, wooing is a patient business. AND I particularly don't want to get involved in anything other than that. I don't like to use force," Abhishek warned.

"Neither do I..." Arjun whispered.


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