Chapter 1

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Why did he leave? Why did he dropout? He had good grades, he had a good reputation, he has.....good looks. 

His black, slick mullet that I used to hate but now I love.

His purple dark eyes

Light skin

Just thinking about him makes my heart ache

Why though?

I never knew I had a crush on him

Did I?

I mean I am bisexual but having a crush on my own friend?

I try hard to forget about him but he always comes back and wanders through my mind.

Why is this so hard?

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud smack.

I jumped up from my seat.

There was a long meter stick slammed on my desk

it was held by Mr. Smythe 

"What did I tell you about dozing off in class?"

Other classmates laughed and giggled

"Sorry, Coran..." I spoke quietly.

"Now don't call me by my first name, its disrespectful!"

"Now why don't you say that again?"

"Sorry...Mr. Smythe...." I said

"Speak louder, son!"

I groaned and rolled my eyes,

"I-Am-Sorry-Mr-Smythe" I said while I spaced out each word.

"If you are going to give me attitude then you can go see detention!"

A few people laughed.

All I did was just scoffed at him.

"All right! McClain, down to the office!"

I groaned once more and closed my math book which I wasn't even on the right page.

I scooted out of my seat and head out the door.

Before I exited I turn to see Coran, or "Mr. Smythe" watching me with glaring eyes and a few classmates smiling or giggling.

I scoffed mentally and head down into the halls towards the office.

What a great day.

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