Chapter 9

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"Let me explain why I didn't stay in touch," his voice was shaky. I stayed quiet waiting to hear his story. Keith took a deep breathe.
"First things first, the reason why I dropped out of school was because I needed to save money. I needed more money for my mother whos life was in danger," Keith paused and thought for a moment.
"She develeped Sarcoma, which is a type of cancer," Keith's voice got even more shaky. "It affects the kidney, my father and I thought she wasn't going to make it, but a miracle happened, a donater from South Dakota told us they were going to give my mom one of their kidneys," "My dad stayed home because he needed to do his job, so I took my mom up to South Dakota for surgery." "Everything went smoothly and the surgery was a success, my mother was thankful for me so she let me stay in South Dakota to attend to school,"
"Why didn't you talk to us after your mom's surgery?" I asked, "shes gotten healthy, why didn't you come back to Arkansas?"

"Well that...." I saw that Keith was about to cry. "I was called into the principle's office at school one day and they alerted me about my mother...." tears starting forming in his eyes. "The new kidney she had gotten started to fail and disfunction, which...caused her to die..." The tears in his eyes was now falling down his cheek.
I looked down not knowing what to say, but my heart literally broke in half when I heard Keith sobbing more loudly.

I know what I have to do. I get up and walk towards the crying boy. I wrap my arms around him and hug him as tightly as I can. Keith was first startled by the gesture but soon hugged back. "I'm so sorry about what happened..." I felt guilty not saying anything better than that. Keith didn't say anything though, we stay like this for a few minutes until I felt Keith's legs shaking. I drag him over towards the couch and made him sit between my crisscross legs. His back was slightly leaned against my chest and I start rubbing circles on his back.
"Can you tell me what happened next, if you don't mind..." I say in the most soothing voice as possible. I hear Keith sniff and exhale. "Well, my dad found out and her funeral was held in South Dakota." Keith paused for a few seconds before continueing. "After the funeral my dad scolded at me, saying how it was my fault my mother died and saying things like, you're not my son anymore." I hear Keith sniff again, "dad left me here on my own, I've been struggling with depression ever since," Keith starts hiccuping from his crying.

I keep rubbing his back and say, "First of all, it is not your fault, Keith. It is no one's fault ever. It's just how things go in life."
"'s so unfair, my mother didn't deserve this, she never did, she was too kind and caring..." Keith kept crying.
"Like I said sweetie, it's just how things go, God has to make everyone's life unfair at some point," I stopped rubbing his back and start petting his hair, we both stayed quiet for a while until I hear little snores, I smiled thinking how cute he is. As for that, I started getting sleepy and fall asleep with Keith in my arms.

Such a rollarcoaster of emotions im sorry ;_;

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