Chapter 15

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(Keith's POV)

Me and Lance were cuddling with each other on the couch. We were watching a show on the T.V. Then a question ran in my head...

How did Lance know where I was?
How did he know I was at the bridge?

I look over to him, I now realized he had bandages wrapped around his head and forehead. Oh yeah, Rolo smashed a bottle against his head. 

Lance noticed me staring, "What?" he asked.

"Lance? Can I ask you something?" 

"Sure, what is it?"

I thought for a moment before speaking, "How did you know where I was?" 

"Hmm?" He asked confused. "When I was about to you know jump off from the bridge? How did you know I was there?"

Lance looked at the T.V and then back at me.

"Well to be honest, I actually don't know, it was a gut feeling that you were there..."

"What happened next after you ran out of Rolo's house?"

"Well I felt dizzy, I tried calling the police, I think, and the next thing I know I passed out."

Lance paused before continuing, "I wake up in the hospital after having a dream about you,"

"What was the dream?" I asked, "I forgot but I remember being at a funeral, though I didn't know who's funeral. But when I awoke, my gut just told me to head to that bridge." Lance chuckled, "I'm sorry this probably doesn't make sense anymore..." I only smiled, "It's fine, at least were both okay." "Yeah..."

We continue watching T.V while cuddling until Lance McFuckingClain decided to lick my God damn cheek. I screech in horror, "WHAT THE HELL LANCE?!" Lance only starts dying out of laughter and holds his chest. I wipe my cheek with my shirt, "Damn it, Lance, why do you have to be like this?"

"I'm sorry, Keith," he says still laughing while leaning into my face trying to kiss me. I push him away, "Keiiiith" He whines, damn it he's too cute. He tries kissing me again and I let him.
"You're such an idiot,"
"Hey, I'm not an idiot!"
"But you're my idiot"
Lance giggles
We cuddle up together close on the

I tell him quietly, "I love you, Lance, thank you for helping me."
Lance only smiles.
I Do Fucking Care

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