Chapter 8

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I made something^

It can't be him. No. He's been gone for 6 years. He shouldn't be here. But I'll recognize that mullet anywhere. No. Its just a different person that looks like him. But still...

I walk into the café shop and sit in the booth behind him. It seemed he just arrived because he was ordering something.

"Just give me the black coffee."

It has to be him

It sounds like him.

It is Keith.

My heart is beating, one because I was scared to go up to him and two I still like him. 

Deep breaths Lance. Just go up to him. 

I slowly got up from my seat and turn towards the back seat of Keith's booth.

I walk around and look at him.

Yep, it's Keith. 

He was drinking the black coffee he ordered. He must've noticed someone was here because he quickly gulped the drink down and set his mug on the table. 

Keith looked up at me with wide eyes. 

"Where were you?!" I literally screamed at him

Everyone in the café were startled from the unexpected loudness. 

Keith looked down in shame. 

"I'm sorry Lance let me explai-"

"Explain what!?" 

"Lance!" Keith stood up and walked right in front of me.

"Kei-" Keith quickly put his hand over my mouth.

"Let me explain, before you go screaming nonsense shit!" Keith whispered yelled.

I didn't say anything, I just accepted it.

Keith grabs my arm and makes me walk out of the café with him. 

"Let's explain things at my house," he says

"Okay" I seriously need to calm down

We arrive at Keith's house and he opens the door for me to walk in.

"Sit down on the couch I'll be right there," he says as he walks into a different room.

This place seems smaller than mine.

I hear meow and I cock my head towards it.

It was a cat, it was this reddish brown color. 

"Hey kitty, kitty," I whispered while reaching my hand towards it

I start petting the cat and noticed a collar with a tag, I read it,


"Your name is Auburn, huh? I say while rubbing its head.

It then starts purring,

"Aww you like me," I smiled completing forgetting that I'm in someone's house

Keith walks into the room making a fake cough.

"Now Lance, let me explain why I didn't keep in touch."

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