Chapter 12

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-Warning lots of curses- ^Rolo and Nyma^

Right when I was going to pull Keith's pants down, my head was hit with something really hard. I also heard glass shattering, I didn't know what was happening until someone pulled my hair back and threw me across the room. 


My head was still dizzy from whatever hit me.


My ears were ringing but I can still faintly hear whatever that's screaming at me.

I finally come to my consciousness and look up.

It was a man I never saw before, he had orange hair and was wearing a tank top and had buffy muscles.

"Rolo, stop!" I hear Keith yell.


Keith stays quiet with wide eyes.

'Rolo' turns back to me with glaring eyes.


I try getting up but only to be knocked down, he kicked me in the gut so hard to the point I coughed up what seems like blood.


I look up with dizzy eyes and see Rolo pulling something out of  his pocket.

It was a switchblade.

Jesus Christ he's going to kill me.

He starts walking towards me, I couldn't move at all.

"NO!" Keith screams and runs towards Rolo. Keith grabs Rolo from the behind and wraps his arms around his stomach and tries to  hold him back. 


"L-Lance! GO! RUN!" 

I do as he says and got the fuck out of there, Jesus Christ

I felt bad for leaving Keith there, but Rolo was going to fucking kill me!

I ran out of the house and onto the streets, I had no idea where I was going my head was a mess with blood dripping on my face. I need to call the police.... I slow down and become even more dizzy than before. It felt like I was going to pass out any second now.  I pull out my phone dialing 911

"911, what's your emergency?"

"H-help" I say very weakly, my vision starts getting fuzzy and that's when I fall over.


Change of POV (Keith's POV now)

I let go of Rolo but to be slapped in the face,

"Rolo...." I say, while holding my red cheek.


I felt like I was on the verge of crying.

"I'm sorr-"

"How long have you two been fucking, huh!?"

"Fucking? We never fucked once! He's...he's just a friend..."

"Then why the hell were you two making out on my fucking bed?!"

I didn't say anything.

"If you're going to fucking cheat on me then why don't you FUCKING LEAVE!?"

Now I was angry.

"FINE! I'll leave!" I say while walking towards Lance's duffel bag.

"But before you go, I'm going to punish you for what you done," Rolo says as he grabs my arm.

"Huh?" I asked confused but soon to be yanked on the bed.

Rolo climbed on top of me while licking his lips. Oh God....  I think to myself.

Rolo pinned my hands above my head. I struggle to get out of his grip but he was too strong. 

"LET GO!" I screamed hoping someone would hear.

Rolo licks my cheek and then my mouth making me shut up.

"Shhh, this won't take long."

I shut my eyes that was now filled with tears and hear him unzipping his pants.

Please someone, save me.



Jesus Christ

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