Chapter 14

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Listen to this song, its soo beautiful! also credit to artist ^ (Click on the arrow)

Lance is a fast runner. I know this because I was immediately dragged off from the ledge and was flung into his arms.

"Oh my fucking God, Keith...Please for the love of God don't ever do that again." Lance whispers yells but yet it was so calming.

I couldn't say anything all I did was burst into tears like the baby I am. My back was against Lance's chest, the same exact position we were in when we were first on the couch. Lance was petting my hair. He held me tight and we stayed like this for God knows how long. 

I finally get the courage to speak up, "Lance, I'm so, so sorry." I start hiccupping.

"No don't apologize, it isn't your fault."

I didn't say anything else but just kept sobbing and hiccupping.

"Hey, lets go home..."


"Let's go to my house..." 

"Someone's waiting there for you." I try turning my head towards him to look at him but failed, "Who?" "Auburn."

Lance moves away to stand up and I already miss his warmth. He holds his hand out for me and I gladly take it. Once I was on my feet Lance immediately pulls me into a hug.

"Keith...I was so scared when I ran out of that house..."
"What did Rolo do to you?"

That question made me cry harder. But I manage to get the words out, "He raped me..."

Lance didn't say anything but only hugged me tighter, "It's going to be okay, he was arrested, he won't hurt you anymore."

I smiled, he deserves it, but on the inside I was sad he did. He gave me a home, he gave me food. But took away my precious virginity. I wanted to do it with someone special. That someone would've been Lance.

I follow Lance home while holding hands. When we arrive he opens the door for me. Auburn, my cat, sees me and meows loudly, I kneel down and scratched his ears. "Keith?"

I look up, Lance was holding my guitar, "Play me a song?" I blush, "N-no..." Lance whines and makes a pouty face. "WHYYYYY?" he starts fake crying which surprisingly sounds real. I sighed and blushed even more out of embarrassment. "Oh, fine," Lance face lit up and handed me the guitar. We sat on the couch close together.

Change of POVS (Lance's POV now)

I cant wait to hear his beautiful voice again. 

Keith taps on the guitar with his fingernail thinking what he should play.

Keith smiles knowing what to sing.

He takes a deep breath before playing.

I never heard this song but it was beautiful. Beautiful like Keith.

It seemed like 2 minutes has passed and Keith finally begins singing.

"You taught me the courage of stars before you left..."

"How light carries on endlessly, even after death."

"With shortness of breath, you explained the infinite."

"How rare and beautiful it is to even exist."

"I couldn't help but ask, for you to say it all again."

"I tried to write it down, but I could never find a pen."

"I'd give anything to hear, you say it one more time."

"That the universe was made, just to be seen by my eyes."

Keith stops the guitar and looks into my eyes,

"With shortness of breath, I'll explain the infinite."


"How rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist...."

Keith leans in for a kiss and I return it.

This kiss is the best.

It was filled with love.

Change of POV (Keith's)

It was filled with love. I thought to myself.

I'm so glad Lance is there.

He is the one that helped me.

He brought back my happiness.

He made my depression finally go away.

He fixed my broken body and heart.

He brought my hope back up.

(They both say it at the same time in their heads)

I love him so much.

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