Chapter 2

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I opened the office door and went into the principle's room.

I sat myself down in a chair that was in front of a desk.

Behind that desk was a beautiful women...Allura 

I had a crush on her...but after a while it just kind of went away.

"Lance McClain, this is the 4th time this week!" She yelled

"I know...." i said.

"Lance, is something wrong? Anything going on at home?"


"Lance, you can tell me anything thats on your mind..."

"I want to help you"

"Its nothing really...i just been tired all week"

"If you say so, i'll let you pass, you can go home now"

"Thanks, Allura,"

I get up from my seat about to leave,

"and Lance?"

"Yes?" I look back,

"Try to pay attention in class for now on, okay?"

"Yeah..." I smiled and walked out.

Just as i was heading to my locker the bell rang signalling it was time to head home.

I try to pass my way toward my locker while everyone was pushing and passing trying to exit the building.

I finally made it and opened it up

i grabbed my bookbag and laptop.

As i was putting my bookbag on i see Hunk outta the corner of my eye.

"Wasup Lance!?" He yelled

Since it was to loud i stuck my hand up and waved. I wasnt really that loud compared to Hunk's voice.

He goes over and right behind him was Pidge and her brother.

Pidge waves her hand, "Hey Lance," her brother waved and smiled.

"So Lance! Wanna come over and play this new game i got!?"

"Sorry Hunk, not right now, i have to finish my homework maybe later?

Hunk made a pouty face, "Awwwww, okay, text me when you can, come on Pidge lets go!"

By this time Matt, Pidge's brother has left.

Hunk and Pidge went the other direction

and i was left alone.

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