Chapter 4

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I didn't notice I fell asleep because the time I woke up it was 2:34 in the morning. I groaned, but at least it was Friday, so there's no school. But then I remembered about Keith, bastard. I can't believe it, I have to tell the others. 

I sit up and opened up my laptop that had drool stains since I fell asleep on it. I started up Skype, 

Shiro is online

Lance: Hey

It took a few minutes before he responded.

Shiro: What's up Lance?

Lance: Its about Keith

Shiro: Did something happen? Did you get a hold of him?

Lance: Well...

Lance: earlier I saw that he was online on skype

Shiro: Did you message hime?

Shiro: him*

Lance: Yes but he didn't message me back instead he went offline....

Shiro: Oh....

Lance: Shiro

Shiro: Yea?

Lance: Is keith ignoring us? Does he hate us?

Shiro is typing...

Shiro: I don't know lance

Shiro: I mean 

Shiro: I've been friends with him for so long

Shiro: He was like my little brother

Shiro: If he hated us then he would've told me

Shiro: He tells me everything 

Lance is typing...

Lance: He probably does hate us...

Shiro: Lance nno he doesn't 

Lance: Its probably my fault he left.

Shiro: What are you talking about?

Lance: Shiro, I think

Lance: I like him

Lance: I'm bisexual and your the first I told

Lance: Keith probably found out

Lance: Its my fault, he's straight I know it

Shiro is typing...

Shiro: Lance, don't say that

Shiro: I'm glad you told me you're bisexual

Shiro: But that isn't your fault he left

Shiro: Something might've happened

Shiro: Before Keith left...

Shiro: he was acting a little strange

Lance: How so?

Shiro: He looked sad

Lance: Oh I remember him not talking to us as much

Shiro: Yes

Lance: Is he

Lance: Depressed?

Shiro: Possibly

Shiro: He might've had something going on at home

Shiro: He is poor

Lance: And he probably moved because of it

Shiro: maybe

Lance: But that doesn't explain how he keeps ignoring our texts and calls

Shiro: hm

Lance: well im going to go now

Lance: Bye

Shiro: Bye lance

Lance is offline

I sighed and closed my laptop. Keith, what's going on? I reached for my lamp light and turned it on. I got up and head downstairs. I opened up the microwave and find the leftover food from dinner. I sat at the table all alone eating.

God my heart hurts.

Keith please come back.

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