Chapter 5

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After I finished eating the leftovers, I decided to take a shower to try and forget about my thoughts. Of course that didn't work. I forgot my phone so it was silence and everything that ran in my head was Keith.

By the time I got done it was 4:21 in the morning, jeez.

I lay in bed with water dripping from my face and my pillow soaking up since I didn't dry off very well. After what seemed like hours, my eyes finally got droopy and I fell asleep.

-Smut warning-

"Ahh~ Oh god! Lance~" Keith moaned. "F-fuck! H-harder-shit!" I do as he say and thrust into him further. I'm close. "A-ahh~ L-Lance, I think I-I'm gonna come~" "Come for me, baby" Both our voices were filled with lust. "Fuck! I'm C-coming!" And as that I came also inside of him. We were both exhausted. Then I started hearing a strange noise.




I groaned, "Ehhhhh" I literally punch my alarm clock.


I knew it

I actually do like him.

I look down at my morning wood, fuck.

I groaned once more.

"Stupid puberty with their stupid wet dreams, Augh!"

I decided to head downstairs. I see the twins and my oldest sister at the dining table eating breakfast. Mama was making waffles for them.

"Morning sunshine," she spoke like she knew I was coming in here.

"Morning," I yawned.

I sat next to the twins who were making a mess with the syrup. I look up at my sister, Veronica, who was already looking at me with a mischievous smirk planted on her face.

"What?" I asked her, she didn't say anything, she just kept smiling. Mama settled a plate of waffles in front of me. "Thanks, Mama," and so I begin chowing it down.

I didn't finish the whole plate since I already ate leftover in the middle of the night. I got up from my chair and pushed it in and went upstairs. I opened my laptop to go on Skype to see if anyone is on, because I had to tell them about Keith.

Before I could click on Skype, someone knocked on the door, "yes?" I answered.

The door opened revealing Veronica. She still had the same stupid face.

I looked at her dumbfound, "what's with that stupid smirk?!" She didn't say a word instead went over and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Lance~" She cooed, I just made a "I'm very disappointed in you" face,

"I heard you last night," she said with the same smirk.

"Yea? I was eating leftovers and then showering."

"'s not were having a wet dream."

My face instantly turned red, "S-shut up! No I wasn't it, you weirdo!"

"Oh I heard you moaning from the other side of the room, and also your boner is completely noticeable right now,"

My face was heating up as I grab part of my blanket attempting to hide it.

"M-moaning? Me?" I tried playing it cool but failed miserably.

"Yep, you went: O-oh Keith!" She tried intimating my voice.

By this time my face was red as a tomato. I had no words. I just looked down.

"Ha-ha! Lance don't worry, I know you like Keith, I won't tell anyone," she winked and left my room.

Was I really sleep talking? Moaning Keith's name? Jesus Christ. I have a problem.

I opened up Skype,

Keith is online

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