5. Shut up

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The problem with families and relatives is that you can't choose them and therefore they aren't perfect, but with the family looking at me like I have three eyes and one tooth, make me think that the thought is wrong. 

In front of me is the King Adam and her lovely wife Queen Belle, right next to her is the Princess Solen and in her left side is Prince Aube. King Adam's eyes are full of concern and Queen Belle's are full of sorrow, she's upset about something, but I can't get an idea of what is making her sad.

King Adam is more impresionant in real life than in television and I can see from where Dawn got the blonde hair and the breathtaking blue eyes, he's almost like what Dawn is going to look like when he's old, I'm jealous of the woman that gets to marry him. No, bad girl. He's the enemy. A hot one, but the enemy.

Queen Belle is way more cute, with her pouty mouth, big brown eyes, perfect brown hair and flawless skin, but she is not imposing like his husband and son. They have an edge that she doesn't. 

Finally Dawn cuts the dense silence and I caught me before shivering from the pleasure that lashes through me at his low tone "Her name is Giulia Mannor, the last name that Maleficent took after quitting the evil side" He even did quotation marks with his fingers when he said 'evil side'.

The rage made herself comfortable in my body, the betrayal burned in my veins and the color abandoned my knuckles when I squeezed my hands in two tight fists. I did not said that to him, he went behind my back and presumably looked in my personal record. He got it from my work place. How? Because silly me let slip that I needed to get back to work and actually dictate the address to one of his dressed monkeys. Sorry, strangers.

I'm counting all his bad moves.

1. He brought me here against my wishes.

2. He looked at my personal information without my permission.

I'm pretty sure that the last one is illegal.

"I do not see the reason to all of this" My voice is a bit shaky and my hands are starting to get numb.  The King Adam expression is impassible and Dawn eyes are making holes through the side of my  face.

"There's a problem, Miss Mannor. You aren't registered in the Royal Decree, as we all know, every person born from an important family needs to be registered in the Royal Decree" He puts a hand over his wife wrist and squeezes gently before continuing "The policy of no secrets in the important blood lines is a way to reassure the peace on all of the kingdoms. We're an unity now, we can't keep secrets and Maleficent is aware of that".

The Royal Decree is a treaty that Mother decided would be great to reaffirm her departure from the 'evil acts'. In my opinion she set herself up for failure, because in all treaties are gaps or too strict rules that can not be bent and she should had known better, after all she was Maleficent - she still is, without the evilness tho.

"She might be aware of that, but she doesn't need to be part of an unity" That's a dirty lie, she's in fact the glue of her own one.

That hit a nerve on Dawn, he's somehow more tense than minutes before and I can see a muscle twitching in his jaw. Sincerely, all the respect that I had for him vanished at the moment he spilled my personal information to his family. So, I can't care less about what is bothering him.

"I'm pretty sure that she's powerful enough by herself, but power needs to come with honor and your mother is a woman that sticks to her word no matter what, as we all know" Queen Belle voice is suave, but firm and I can help it when my body relaxes a bit.

"Are we questioning her honor now? She has been sticking to her words for the last two the decades, she hasn't make a..."

"We totally are. She broke the treaty around what? Five years after accepting it? We have the right to question her!" Dawn voice raises over mine and I choke with the words that I was going to say  before being rudely interrupted.

"You can't be real! You're the last one that can come here pointing fingers acting like a freaking Saint, because you are not" There are some gasps as I lean closer and push my finger in the center of Dawn chest "You sneaky b*stard! You digged through my personal info and sold me to your family. I AM QUESTIONING YOUR HONOR".

"I was doing my Royal duty, is my work to protect the kingdom, to protect the people, to protect my family. There's nothing to question, at least I keep to my word and act in consecuence" He's not so rounded in the sides anymore and the rage is straining his tone, he's about to lose control. How sad, I already did!

"She was protecting me, her family. What is more honorable than that? You said it yourself!" He grabs the wrist of my hand that is still stabbing him with my index finger and then makes a growl like sound.

"Shut up, you guys! And calm down, her bloody hand is in flames!" A girl's voice booms around the room and I snatch my hand back. Sh¡t, she's right...

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