17. Hilltower

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The Noble House of Waldorf is pleased to extend an invitation to Godor's Ascentral House to Lady Guiliana Mannor. Shall be expected to arrive at the main office by Monday where the travel schedule will be settled.

The administration of the Noble House of Waldorf.

I blink at the note on my hand and frown in distate and confusion. The person that was 'tasked' with me, yeah tasked like I'm some sort of errand to do, presented herself at my room and handed this tiny piece of pergamine. She then proceeded to introduce herself as Yanine Hilltower the second advisor of Waldorf royal house and former lady in waiting of the consort Queen Anne Marie.

Yes, Queen Anne Marie as in the woman that it is married to my father, whose identity I became aware of a couple of hours ago.

"I am really sorry, Miss Hilltower, but I respectfully decline the invitation" I managed to answer. Dawn who was looking the interaction of Yanine and myself tensed at the sound of my voice.

"Lady Mannor, I apologize if that note came across wrongly, but it says that you are expected in the main office by Monday" She moved to the feet of my hospital bed "The note is mere courtesy, you have no option. Your mother's lawyers got a settlement with the Kingdoms, you are to be included in the Royal Bloodlines by the end of the month. The administration of the Waldorf noble house wants to minimize the impact of your the kindship with it by being in charge of your outing, we were tasked by the other kingdoms to teach you how to use your magic and they are waiting for full reports on your evolution..."

My heart rate raised with every word coming out of her mouth. Mother would never... Fye would not let her, they... I felt mostly betrayed, but I guess this is what they were talking about when mother slaped him, she was indeed talking of my 'outing' how Yanine phrased it.

"What if I do not desire to go 'out' in public, what if do not want to be trained? What if I find these all a nonsense?".

"Those 'what if' are merely that, suposicions" Dawn spoke for the first time since Solen left "I came to learnt from knowing you shortly, that you are not a brainless girl, Miss Mannor. And if you refuse to acept the settlement made on your behalf by the people that you bestowed the authority to do so, you will get pressed with charges for treason to the kingdoms".

That shut my trap, Dawn had the no b*llsh#t expression that Fye gave to me on really serious matters. Yanine, had a frown in her olive face too, the tips of her long as$ lashes touching her perfectly manicured brows, her full lips in a pout and her high cheekbones marred by a deep blush. She's way too young and gorgeous to be a second advisor to the throne, plus a former lady in waiting, but then she moves towards my right side and I see the gold brazlet and I know there's a lot to her story.

"So, that's it, uh?" I hissed.

"Yes, Lady Mannor. Can I assist you with something else?" Yanine frown transforms into a pleasent face and Dawn retreats from the room without a fight or a goodbye.

"Yes, I will very much like you to summon my brother and get you out of my bussines till monday" That was rude, but necesary. I can't kill the one that send out the message, but I can be uncivil with the messanger. Childish I know, but who cares.

"Done. We expect you in the main office at 8 sharp, tardiness will be penalized".

Is this girl for real? She really thinks that tardiness was allowed under Maleficents watch?

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