Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


I opened my eyes and felt this pain in my throat, I was hungry. I punched the coffin and busted threw it. I climbed threw the dirt until I made it to the surface. I stood up, having dirt all over my face and me. I looked around still feeling the pain in my throat. All of a sudden I heard a man whistling in the distance and quickly ran towards the noise. I stopped and looked at the man, making him look up surprised.

“Why hello there” he said with a smile “hi” I said trying to hold in the hungry but it took over me and I quickly ran over to the pain, drinking him. He feel to the ground dead as I looked around, blood all over my face. I quickly ran off, in search for some more food.


I bent down next to another body “another body dead” I said standing up and looking at David. “This is getting wired, even for this town” David said as we started to walk away “well almost all of them are drained of blood and who do we know that drains blood” Emma said not really wanting to.

“Emma, Bailey is dead weather any of us want to admit it or not. Maybe it's another vampire or anther person like Bailey was” David said making a point. “You're right but until we know for sure I need your okay on something” I said stopping David “what” “you are Bailey's dad so I need your okay, to did up her grave”.

David looked at me in disbelief and confused “why” “because since this is another killing and we only know one vampire. Maybe she is alive, or at least her version of being alive” I said. David sighed and thought for a second “let me think on it and I'll let you know” David said to me and walked away as I sighed “okay, pack it up” I said to some guys that were caring the body out.


I walked inside of my apartment as Mary Margret walked into the kitchen. “Hey how did it go” she asked me “well another body drained of blood” I said with a sigh. “It makes me think Bailey is alive” I said sitting in a chair as Mary Margret looked at me upset. “I'm sorry David” she said kneeling in front of me.

“Emma wants to dig up Bailey's grave to see if she is there” I said as Mary Margret looked at me surprised. “Wow, what did you tell her” “I told her I'd think about it but I don't know” I said confused. “I know you probable don't want to hear this but maybe you should check with Peter. I mean if Bailey was back she would see Peter” she said.

Mary Margret was right but I really didn't want to see Peter. I got up and went to Peter's, knocking on his door as he opened it. “Hey David” Peter said “listen, can I come in I need to ask you a question” I said to Peter as he opened the door wider for me to come in. I sat on the couch and looked around to see Bailey's stuff packed away.

Peter saw what I was looking at “I just couldn't really take it anymore looking at her things” Peter said rubbing the back of his neck almost embarrassed. “I don't blame you” I said to him as he sat down in a chair in front of me. “Speaking of Bailey, have you seen here” “yah a lot” Peter says. “I mean her, her, in person” I asked Peter as he looked at me confused.

“Emma and I have been finding dead bodies, drained of blood and the only person we know that drains people of blood is a vampire and Bailey's a vampire” I said. “David you know as well as I do that Bailey's dead, why are you telling me this” Peter asked confused?

“Because we just figured that if she was back the first person she would show herself to is you” I said. Peter smiled “listen David I love Bailey and she loves me but I know her, she would show herself to you before anyone else” Peter said. “Your probable right, well anyway another reason why I'm here is because Emma wants to dig up her grave and I want to know what you think”?

Peter looked at me a little surprised “um, I think you should, in case she is alive” Peter said. I thought for a second, yah we should. I stood up “your right, thank you” I said to him about to leave “David, if you don't mind, I'd like to come with” Peter said as I sighed. “Okay” I said and he quick grabbed his jacket as we left his room.

Mary Margret walked out of the apartment putting her coat on “what are you doing” I asked her. “Coming with” “what about Neil” I said to her “Granny's watching him, I want to come with to see” Mary Margret said. I sighed “alright” I said and called Emma, giving her the okay to dig Bailey up.

Peter, Emma, Mary Margret, and I stood in front of Bailey's grave as we watched some men dig it up. “Ready” one of the men said and we all nodded and opened it up. I don't know what I was expecting I was surprised to see that she wasn't there!

Sorry if I don't update that fast or that much, I really wanted to wait till the show came back on but I needed to fill in some blanks first so enjoy!

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