Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


Hook, David, Elsa, and I where looking at Elsa's mirror that everyone thought was the real thing, the worst part was that I had a part in all of this and I didn't even feel remorse. The mirror wasn't even the real mirror and it was only a matter of time until someone figured it out. “This is what we've been worried about, shouldn't it be shaking or doing something evil” Hook asked? “Agreed, it feels like just a harmless looking glass to me” Elsa said. “I've found nothing to counteract the spell yet” Belle said, walking up the stairs , looking at a book. “Great” I whispered to myself.

“Hey, stop, do not look in that thing” Belle said, looking up “it'll make you see the worst in yourself”. “It must be broken, I've been staring at it all day, and I think I'm even more devilishly handsome and charming than usual” Hook said, looking at himself in the mirror. Belle looked at the mirror “uh, this, this isn't the same mirror” Belle said, pointing to the mirror. “Why would the Snow Queen risk coming all the way out here to plant a fake mirror” I asked? “Because she wanted to get caught” David said and we all quickly headed down the stairs and to the police station only to find that the doors were frozen shut. “Emma, Emma” David yelled as I jogged over.

“Bailey, can you” David said, pointing to the door, I pulled at the door, not using much strength other wise I would brake the door off and that would ruin the plain. “Come on, lets go talk to Gold” David said. We all headed to Gold's shop and hurried inside “ah, this kind of procession never bodes well” Gold said with a sigh. “The Snow Queen iced over the locks of the Sheriff's Station, Emma's trapped inside with her” David said “we need your help, Rumple. You must be able to get us in there, please” Belle said, almost begging.

“How could I turn down the pleas of my beloved wife, after you” Gold said and we all headed outside. Once we were in front of the police station we all stopped when we heard a loud nose and saw a huge hole in the side of the police station and the Snow Queen gone. We all ran over to see Emma standing outside, her hands glowing red “Emma, you all right” David asked from afar “we were so worried” Mary Margret said “seems you didn't need my help after all” Gold said.

“Swan, what did that monster do to the Sheriff's Station” Hook asked “the "monster" who did this was not the Snow Queen. It was me” Emma said, looking scared “what” I asked, acting confused. “Just keep your distance, I don't know if I can control myself, I don't want to hurt anyone” “Swan” Hook said “we should heed her words” Gold said. “Emma, we can help” Mary Margret said “just stay away, let me go” Emma said and shot her hands out to keep us away.

Suddenly the street light started to crackle and fall “watch out, David” Mary Margret yelled and I quickly ran over, pushing him out of the way. David helped me up as I realized I cut my arm. Emma looked at us before jogging off. Everyone yelled after her as Henry ran over “mom, mom wait” Henry yelled about to chase after her but I quick grabbed him and stopped him as we watched Emma get in her car and drive off.

“Come on, we have to find her” David said and everyone went their separate ways to go find Emma. I looked around before running off to the Snow Queen's place to see that she wasn't there. I sighed and headed back into town, seeing her in one of the big ally's away from sight. “There you are” I said “looks like Emma lost control of her powers” the Snow Queen said, nodding to my still bleeding cut on my arm. I took a look at it and ignored it. “Yeah, I'm guessing you had something to do with that” I said.

The Snow Queen nodded “go see if they found Emma, if not come to Gold's shop”. I nodded before disappearing into the streets, heading to the apartments I could hear Mary Margret and David's door close “ did you find her” Mary Margret asked “no, we looked everywhere, maybe Bailey found something” I heard David sigh and I walked in. “Actually Bailey found nothing as well” I said acting like I had just ran around town. “I searched the town three times, can't find her” I lied and sat down in one of the chairs.

“Which means only one thing” Henry said “she doesn't want to be found” I finished for him. “I've been through this and I saw the same looks on my loved ones' faces as Emma just did. I saw fear” Elsa said, sitting in a chair close by “David, we failed today. When our daughter needed us most, she looked in our eyes, and all she saw was fear” Mary Margret said with a sigh. “This Snow Queen has some mirror that turns us against each other” I said. “Well, she doesn't need it, look at us, we are doing it to ourselves” Mary Margret said.

“Listen, I'm going to go check around town a little” I said, standing up and walking out of the apartment. Night was starting to approach so I decided to head into town and meet with the Snow Queen at Gold's shop but stopped when I listened closely and heard Emma. I guess since we are half sisters I can hear her better. I quickly ran towards the woods where a cliff sat, looking over some of the town. Emma's car sat, the only place I didn't look. “I'm a monster” I heard her whisper and quickly ran so I was sitting in the passenger side. “If anyone's a monster” I said, making Emma jump and look next to her. “It's me” I finished, looking at her as she sighed with relief.

“You shouldn't be here, did everyone else come with you” Emma quickly asked, turning behind her to see if anyone was there. “Relax, it's just me” I said with a small smile “you need to leave, I'm a monster, I can't control it” Emma said, hiding her hands. I sighed “Emma, if anyone's a monster in this car its me. A few months ago I was off the rail killing people. I'm a blood sucking vampire, fighting the urge to kill people every time I see someone” I said with a small smile.

Emma didn't say or do anything, making me sigh “okay, listen, I won't tell anyone that I saw you out here. You need your space, you don't want t hurt anyone and I understand that, believe me I know. Just promise me something” I said, making Emma look at me “don't do anything stupid” I said with a smile, making Emma smile slightly. I got out of the car and headed deeper into the woods. After a few minuets of walking I stopped when I saw the Snow Queen.

I sighed “I'm sorry” I said “you were suppose to meet me at Gold's shop” the Snow Queen said quickly. I looked at the ground “but you found Emma, so I guess you weren't a total lost”. The Snow Queen stood up and walked over to me “just remember, you do what I say and you will be joining Elsa, Emma, and I at the end” she said almost a whisper to me. I kept looking at the ground “just remember, you can choose when this all ends, but remember the consequences. Remember what will happen to your beloved Pan” she said before disappearing, leaving me in my thoughts, alone.

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