Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


I knocked on the door and opened it reveling Bailey huddled in the corner and hissing as the sunlight came threw the door. I closed the door behind me and walked more inside the small little cabin that only had one room. “I brought some food for you, in case you were hungry” I said and sat the platter of food on the ground in front of her.

Bailey looked at me threw her brown eyes, sadness written on her face making me sigh and sit in front of her. “Why do you keep coming back, why not just let me die” Bailey asked as her voice cracked from the dryness. It hurt me to think we put her in here to let her die. “Bailey, we didn't put you in here for you to die” “you have a funny way of showing it” Bailey said a little mad.

“We are doing this to help you, to protect you” I said making her go silent and slide over to me, sitting in front of me. “Are you ready to try again” I asked her as she nodded and I held out my hand. She hesitantly took it as I helped her up reveling her torn clothes and her messy blond hair. We walked outside making her cover her eyes from the sun until her eyes adjusted.

“Come on” I said as we walked threw the woods until we reached the city “why don't we get you cleaned up before we see anyone” I said. Bailey nodded and we headed to my apartment witch I guess was also hers. We walked threw the door and I let her get ready. David has said since I had magic then I would be the one to pay visits to her since I could stop her if I needed to but David never came. I think it hurt him to much to see what we were doing to her. Emma came a few times but she always stood at the door.

Henry came a lot and would try and get her mind off of the hunger and what she had done in the past. Bailey walked out looking like her normal self again, her hair was straight and didn't look messy. She wore some jeans and a black short sleeve shirt and some black boots. She didn't look tired or weak anymore, she looked fresh and full of life yet again.

I smiled at her making her smile back at me as we walked down the street and into Granny's where everyone was. We walked in making everyone look towards us as Bailey stood there and took a deep breath.


I took a deep breath letting the smell of blood fill my nose but I pushed the hunger away and took a step foreword making people stand up and walk over to me hugging me left and right. I was myself again or at least as much of myself as I was going to get right now. I stopped and looked at David who smiled at me; I ran threw the crowd and over to him, hugging him tightly as he took a deep breath while he hugged me.

I could feel him want to dry but it held it back, I pulled away “I'm okay” I said to him with a smile. I looked over and saw Mary Margret and hugged her “there's someone who wants to meet you” Mary Margret said to me and held a little baby boy in her arms. I smiled as Mary Margret gave me my little brother “whats his name” I asked looking at Mary Margret “Neil” David said and I smiled.

I looked down at baby Neil and smiled as I rocked him back in forth making him start to close his eyes. I felt sad all of a sudden thinking that this could have been me, holding my child. I didn't realize that I started to cry a little and quickly shook my head “here” I said with a smile and handed Neil to her. Mary Margret looked at me worriedly as I nodded to everyone before leaving the diner.

I walked outside and leaned on the side of the building that sat next to the diner. I heard someone open the door and looked over, expecting to see Peter but instead I see David. I smiled “I'm okay” I said “no you're not” David said walking over to me. I was silent as I looked at the ground before looking at him “holding Neil, looking at him just made me think of what I could of had” I said with a sigh.

David walked over to me and hugged me as I hugged him back “you don't need something like that right now. You have a family, me, Emma, Mary Margret, Henry, Peter, even Hook” David said and polled away to look at me. “Right now lets just focus on you getting better” I smiled and nodded before we headed back inside to grab something to eat. I'm hungry.

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