Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


Emma quickly got out of her car that had hit a tree nearby and walked over to me. “Bailey, are you crazy” “listen Emma, wherever you're headed, turn around and go home, you are in great danger” I said. “Bailey, listen I” she started until she saw the ice that I had created to make Emma swirl on the ground. “Did you do this” she asked “yes” I said, making Emma slowly look at me. I blinked, as my eyes turned a blue “your working with her. Your working with the Snow Queen” Emma said, taking a step back.

“Please, turn around, whatever Gold promised you, it's a lie” I begged “how do you know he promised me anything” Emma asked confused. I sighed “so I was right, you are working for her” Emma said. “You can't trust him, Emma, he doesn't do anything unless it benefits him. He doesn't care about you, he would kill you to get what he desires” I said. “What, did the Snow Queen tell you that, your under her spell, you aren’t talking straight. So the fact that you don't want me to go means something” Emma said.

I smiled a little “it means I'm going” Emma said “I won't let you, you're not gonna hurt me” Emma said and I grabbed her arm. “Just like you said, I'm under the Snow Queen's control, I could do anything” I said. “She won't hurt me ether, she needs me” “please Emma, don't make me hurt you” I said. “You can still heal fast right” Emma asked “yes” I said confused “good” she said before shooting me with electricity, making me fly backwards into the woods. “Sorry Bailey” Emma said before getting in her car and driving off.

I sighed and sat up, looking around to see Gold in front of me. “What are you doing here” I asked mad “I see that your little ring is still on your hand” he said. I looked down to see the ice ring the Snow Queen made me which puts me under her control. “I told you that you would come to your senses” Gold said and threw something small at me. I caught it and looked at it to see the mood ring that Peter gave to me in Neverland. “Where did you get this” I asked, looking up to see the Gold was already gone.

I stood up “find, you want to play, then lets play” I said and quickly headed towards the direction that Emma's car went. I appeared at this older looking house that with Hook and Gold out front. I quickly hid behind a tree and moved my hair to listen in on their conversation. “Get out of my way, Crocodile, I'll die fighting before I let you use that bloody hat on Emma” Hook said, tied to the metal fence. “Death can wait, how about before you depart, I'll treat you to a front-row seat and we can watch her use that hat on herself. In case you were counting on Emma getting your message, don't” Gold said, holding up Hook's phone.

The hat, the hat that will take Emma's magic and her away. “No” I whispered “I'm not one for loose ends, but don't worry, you'll get over her. Just like you got over Milah. How many centuries did that take, it does not matter, this might even add a little fuel to your fire”. Hook looked at him angrily “don't tell me you haven't missed the taste of vengeance” Gold asked with a smile. “She's mother to your grandson, gold! Don't do this” “I wish I didn't have to, but I need miss Swan. Surely you understand that” Gold said.

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