Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

 Sorry the chapters are so short, I don't really know what to write since the show isn't on yet, sorry!


I kneeled on a tree at the edge of the woods, seeing David, Mary Margret, Emma, and Peter diffing up my grave. I was silent so I wasn't heard or seen I stood up, my black dress making me look like the woods almost. I took a step back not realizing that there wasn't a branch behind me. I start to fall until I grabbed another branch, hanging on. Everyone looked towards where I was and I quickly climbed onto the branch, hiding behind the tree.

Hopefully no one saw me. “Stay here, I'll go check it out” I heard David saw drawing his sword. “Wait” I heard Peter say.


We heard a noise in the woods that sounded like a branch braking and dropping to the ground. “Stay here, I'll go check it out” David say drawing his sword “wait” I said grabbing his arm stopping him. “What if it's Bailey” I said “so” Emma said “well I think we all agree that she may not want to be found, yet” I said. “David he's right, let him go in, maybe he can find her and talk to her” Mary Margret said.

David sighed and put his sword away “fine, go” David said and I jogged towards the woods, disappearing in them as I went further in. “Bailey” I called and looked around “Bailey, it's me, it's Peter” I said and looked around. I heard some leaves crunch behind me and I quickly turned around to see Bailey standing there with no emotion on her face.

“Bailey” I said with a smile as she just stood there, watching me “Pan” she said. I looked at her confused, she almost never calls me Pan, at least not anymore. “How long have you been alive” “a few days” Bailey said. I took a step foreword towards her but she took a step back “don't come any closer” “Bailey whats wrong” I asked confused.

“I'm new vampire again, I can't control myself anymore” Bailey said upset a bit. “Wait, did you kill those people” I asked even though I already knew the answer. “Yes” she said and I sighed, knowing Emma and everyone weren't going to be happy. “You need come back” “I can't” she quickly said taking a step back “not until I can control this” “we can help you, remember I helped you threw that” I said trying to convince her to come back.

Bailey thought for a second “if I hurt anyone, then I'm gone” “we won't let that happen” I said as she took a deep breath and walked towards me. I lead her to the end of the woods. Before we could get out in the open she stopped making me stop as well and turn to look at her “whats wrong”. Bailey stopped and looked at everyone, they didn't know we were there yet.

Bailey turned to look at me “I can't, I can't do this, what if I hurt someone” she said trying not to freak out. “Bailey, listen to me, if you try to do anything I'll stop you” I said to her, holding her arms so she wouldn't run. “How can you stop me, a vampire” she asked confused “I still have my magic, you'd be surprised to know what I can do” I said with a smile.

Bailey nodded “okay” I lead her out into the open making David, Emma, and Mary Margret look towards us. David started to walk toward us “Bailey” he said “dad” Bailey said and stopped walking as he jogged over. “Stop” she held out his hands making him stop “don't come any closer” “what why” David asked concerned. “I'm a new vampire, I can't” she said.

I could tell she was struggling “Bailey you won't hurt me” David took a step closer as everyone came over. “You guys just please go” Bailey said taking a few steps back “whats going on”. Before anyone knew it Bailey ran towards them, about to attach. I raised my hand quick making an invisible force field, making her stop. “Whats wrong with her” Emma asked as they all took a step back.

“She's a new vampire, she's hungry, she can't control it” I said keeping my hand up. “How do we stop this” David asked “we don't, she has too, we need to find somewhere to put here” I said “where” Mary Margret asked. I sighed “I have an idea, but she's not going to be to happy about it” I said making Bailey look at me. Scared written in her eyes.

David, Emma, Hook, and I quickly closed the cabin door, locking it. “Are you sure this will hold her” Emma asked “it did before” Hook said with a sigh. You could hear Bailey screaming on the other side of the door “let me out, let me out”. “We can't do this to her” David said upset “David, listen, we're helping Bailey” Emma said to David.

“She hates this place” David yelled “if we don't keep her here then she could go out, killing more people” Emma said. David sighed, clearly not happy about this. Nether was I but I didn't want anyone to get hurt or have Bailey do something she would regret.

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