Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


Elsa looked at me shocked “it’s impossible” “not really, I mean, you came from the future, maybe it just hasn’t happened yet” I said. Elsa sat down in a chair “are you sure” “well, I wasn’t very sure until I you told me about the angle that you made. My mom gave me that, and if my mom made it” I started “then, I must be your mom” Elsa said, still not believing it. “And if you try and freeze me, I can’t be frozen” I said and held out my hand “try and freeze my hands together” I said.

Elsa looked up at me and stood up, trying to freeze my hands but they wouldn’t freeze. “Oh my god” she said surprised and looked up at me “it must be true” Elsa said and hugged me tightly and I did the same with her. “I can’t believe it, I have a daughter” Elsa said with a smile before hugging me. After a few minutes I pulled away and turned to the door “what is it” Elsa asked? “Their coming” I said and grabbed Elsa’s hand, pulling her out the back door.

I stopped and looked around as Elsa started to walk into the woods “where are you going” I asked “there's someone out there with powers like mine. I need to find out who, I can't just hide out in some sheriff's station” Elsa said. I sighed “fine, let me call Hook and let him know where we’re going. Before I could call Hook was walking towards us “good news! He's agreed to help” Hook said “who, and how did you know we’d be out here” I asked?

“Well, I figured you’d want to be going after whoever this girl is and get her” Hook said. “And you want to help Emma” I said with my arms crossed and Hook sighed “yes, this hair is from Marian” Hook said and show’s us the hair. “Someone cast a freezing curse on her” Elsa said. “Wait, this is magic and if I’ve learned anything about magic it’s that magic can change forms, but never be destroyed. We'll simply return it to its natural state” I said and crushed it in my hand “snowflakes” Elsa said. I blew on it and it started to move away “fallow it, it should find its way home, back to the person who cast it” I said.

“Hook, go find Emma and tell her that we found the trail” I told him and he nodded before jogging off. Elsa and I started to fallow the snowflakes. Elsa kept looking at me as we walked “what” I asked with a small smile. “Nothing, I just can't believe your my daughter, I mean your so grown up” Elsa said and I couldn't help but smile. “Tell, what was I like” Elsa asked and I stopped, not knowing what to say. “Um, I don't really know, you died when I was born” Elsa stopped and looked at me with sadness written on her face.

“It's okay David and Hook were there, David was amazing and Hook was, well, he was Hook” I said. “How did Hook play a part” Elsa asked as we started to walk again “well, when I was young, Hook kidnapped me and hid me away for years. That's actually how I became what I am, a vampire” I said. “Apparently I'm this untold story, the only way I know my past is threw David, Hook, and Peter” I said. “Peter seems, sweet” Elsa said making me giggle a little.

“He is, he wasn't always, with everyone else but he was with me. One day he had to choose between power and me, and he chose me, I love him for that” I said with a smile. “How old are you, really” “well, I'm stuck at the age of a 17 year old but I'm really 30 or 40 something, I kind of lost my age with everything going on” I said with a small laugh. Suddenly we heard a noise and quickly stopped, turning to see Hook. “Hook, what are you doing out here” I asked mad “well, I couldn't find Emma and I wasn't going to let you get yourself kidnapped. Your father already hates me enough” Hook said and started walking.

I sighed and we all started to walk again “there she is” I said and we saw someone wearing a long white dress, freezing a tree. “Get down” Hook said and we hid behind a falling tree as Hook brought out his phone. “What is that thing” Elsa asked, talking about the phone “I don't know, it's a device for talking I don't bloody know. I press the "Emma" button, and she answers usually” Hook said and waited but she didn't pick up, causing Hook to sigh. “Why should I carry around this ridiculous thing if you're never there when I use it? We found the person who froze Marian, get to the west edge of the woods right away” Hook said and hung up.

Elsa stood up a little “what the bloody hell are you doing” “sorry, I've never seen someone like me before. She doesn't look evil” “yeah, well, looks can be deceiving, love” Hook said “no kidding” I said referring to myself. “Let's just stay out of sight, I haven't a fondness of icebergs and I'd rather avoid being turned into one” Hook said. “We've waited long enough, we have to find Emma” I said and we all stood up and turned to go. “I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't let you leave” the ice queen said and froze Hook's feet where he stood. “Let go of him now” Elsa said as the ice queen went to freeze me but nothing happened.

“Yeah, that happens a lot” I said and took a few steps back so I was standing next to Elsa. “You and I have so much catching up to do, my sweet Elsa” the ice queen said and I saw that it was the same lady that works at the ice cream shop. “Catching up, what, you know her” I asked “I've never seen her before” Elsa said confused. “You've simply forgotten, I wouldn't forget someone like you, like me. The magic of the rock trolls, they pull memories. They did quite a number on you, I'm afraid” the ice queen said.

“The rock trolls, why would they do that to me” Elsa asked “for the same reason they did it to your sister, Anna. Some memories are too painful” “you know Anna, what happened to her” Elsa asked? “The same things that happens to every ordinary person.
Eventually they grow to fear us” “that's not true” I said prepared to fight if needed. “You are one to talk, your no better then us, but that's alright, every book needs a monster in it” the snow queen said, making me growl at her.

“Don't talk to her like that” Elsa said and the snow queen looked at me “you wonder how you ended up trapped in that urn. It was your sister, Anna put you there” “you're lying” Elsa said. “Am I, look at the people in this town, they're ready to burn you at the stake, because of what you did”. “It wasn't her, it was you” I said “you mean that woman Marian. Well, that was an accident” “no, it wasn't, you wanted them to think it was me.
To blame me, why” Elsa asked?

“I was trying to teach you a lesson, eventually, everyone turns on people like us. Even friends, even family, they're just waiting for a reason” she said and waved her hand, making sharp ice sickles hang above Hook. Elsa tried to stop them but couldn't “don't bother. I've neutralized your magic, when your friend is found, you'll look responsible.
Then they'll turn on you and they'll treat you as the monster that they truly see you as, and you'll know that I'm right” the snow queen said.

“Not with me around” I said and the snow queen looks at me “oh, I have something special I mind for you” she said, but before she could do anything Hook and David ran over. “Hey, Dairy queen” “Emma” the snow queen said shocked “do we know each other” Emma asked? “Of course not, your reputation precedes you ,you really think that your magic is a match for mine? There's only one way to find out” the snow queen said and made the ice start to fall. “Look out” I yelled to David who was in the way and I vamp-ran over to Hook, braking the ice and pulling him out of the way.

“You guys okay” Emma asked “yeah, we're fine” Hook said and we stood up “where is she” David asked “she's gone” I said and listened but didn't hear anything. “Great, a new villain” I said with a sigh.

Frozen Heart (OUAT Book 4)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin