Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


“Who’s Anna” I asked, making Elsa drop the necklace and turn to look at me, surprised to see that I was still there. “She’s my sister, do you know where she is” Elsa asked me and I shook my head “no, sorry” I said. Then I remembered something “hold on, wait right here” I said and quickly went into the back of the store. I opened up one of the cabinets and pulled out a box, walking back to the front of the store.

“Whats that” Elsa asked as I set the box down, it had drawings of all the princess on it. “It's a box full of old things, I never knew my mom but I had a lot of things that were hers. I put all of her things in this box, I just remembered that it was here” I said and opened the box. It was like a music box but with no music. There was a small mirror in it, a small box that held small things, and a few other things.

I took out the small box that was round like a circle, purple with a bow on it. I opened the small box, reveling little things in it. “This was the ring my dad was going to use to propose to my mom with” I said and held up a ring. Elsa smiled “may I” she asked and pointed to the box. “Sure” I said as she looked in the box, pulling out different things “wait a second, this is mine” she said and lifted up a small angle that could go on a necklace.

I looked at Elsa confused “what do you mean” “I made this, see it's made of ice” Elsa said. I looked at the angle just as my phone went off “what is that” Elsa asked, nervous. “It’s okay, it’s a phone, it helps you communicate with people who are farther away” I say and answer my phone to see that it’s my dad. “Hello” I say into the phone “where are you” “I’m fine, I just went for a walk” “okay, well we got the snowman” David said.

“Okay, I’m on my way home” I say and hang up. “I have to go” I say to Elsa who looks upset. “I won’t tell anyone about you, I promise” I say and she nods “thank you for being a good friend” Elsa says. “You’re welcome; I hope you find your sister” I tell her before closing the boxes and setting them back in the cabinet before running out of the store, disappearing into the town.

I walked into the small apartment to find Henry and Emma there with David and Mary Margret who was putting little Neil down for a nap. “I'll see you in three hours for your midnight shrieking. Yes, I will, sweet dreams” Mary Margret says to him. “What do you suppose babies dream about” Henry asked? “Bullfighting” David says as Emma said “Laser tag” “that's not true” I say with a smile.

“I think they're joking” I say to Henry “I'll recognize funny again when he's 3 and I've had some sleep” Mary says with a sigh. “Okay, chocolate, DVDs, ice cream” Henry names off as he looks at a basket full of those things. “Red wine” Emma asks “that's one heck of a late-night snack, kid” I tell Henry. “It's for my mom” “I don't drink and sheriff” Emma says. “My other mom, I Googled "how to get over a breakup” it didn't talk about your boyfriend's wife time-traveling back from the past, but close enough” Henry said with a smile.

“That's really sweet” Mary Margret says as a crow lands on the window, making us all turn and look at it. Mary walks over to it and put’s her finger out for it to jump on it, witch it does, reveling it has a note. It fly’s back out the window, disappearing into the sky. “What is it Mary” David asks “it's a message, it's for Henry” Mary gives him the note “it's from your mother” Henry opens it and reads it “she doesn't want to see me” Henry says and walks out of the house, disappointed and hurt.

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