Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


Emma walked into the police station where Elsa and I where looking up ways to catch the Snow Queen. “Belle found something in here a spell, it may be able to work against the Snow Queen” “you don't mean kill her” I asked “no, no one's killing anyone. It's just neutralize her powers, maybe” Emma said and handed the book to Elsa who was looking at it “can you read this” Elsa asked “Elvish, no, I didn't even see "Lord of The Rings''” Emma said. Elsa looked at her confused “never mind, Belle translated it, it tells us how to enact the spell” Emma said, standing up and grabbing a candle.

“With both hands, hold the candle and then use your magic to light it, and then when you blow on it” Elsa started “then bam, she's right back to selling ice cream” I said. Emma smiled “my guess is business will be down” Emma said. “Maybe without her powers we can talk to her, we can find Anna, we can get some real answers” Elsa said with a smile. “Does your sister have magic” Emma asked “no, and I think that's why the Snow Queen is so interested in you” Elsa said to Emma.

“Yeah” Emma said, leaning on a nearby table while Elsa sat back down and I leaned on the wall. “Does anyone in your family have magic” Elsa asked “you mean besides the vampire in the corner” I asked with a wave and smile. Emma and Elsa smiled and chuckled a little “besides that, no” Emma said. “It's hard when they look at you differently, isn't it” Elsa asked “if they look at anyone different it's me” I said, pointing to myself. “They don't look at me different” Emma said “you're lucky” Elsa said, looking at the ground, upset.

“Anyway, should we try this” Emma said, holding up the candle “yes” Elsa said with a nod. Elsa stood up while Emma held onto the candle and lit the candle with her magic before blowing on it. When she did the fire swarmed and was about to chain Elsa's hands but it stopped and the fire went back to the candle. Emma sighed “I'm sorry” Elsa said “should we try again” I asked “later, I have to meet Mary Margaret. I'm supposed to babysit tonight, life goes on” Emma said, grabbing her things before leaving. “Hey” I said, making Elsa look at me “we'll find her, it's okay” I told her.

Elsa nodded “yeah, I know” she said and sat down. “Where's Peter, I mean, I haven't seen him in awhile” Elsa asked? “Oh, he's been working a lot” I said, not remembering what really happened, but just knowing that I can't say anything about him. “Oh” Elsa said, looking a little confused but putting it to the side. Suddenly my phone went off and I answered it “hello” I said “Bailey, have you and Elsa meet us at the clock tower, we found the Snow Queen” Emma said before hanging up.

I hung up the phone and put it in my back pocket “they found her” I said and Elsa fallowed me out the door and towards the clock tower. Elsa and I fallowed Emma up the clock tower stairs as David and Hook fallowed nearby. “Hey” Emma called and we saw the Snow Queen. She threw a ice sickle at Emma, cutting her neck “Emma, now” Elsa said. Emma held onto the candle and blew hard, making the fire go around the Snow Queen's hands, and chains took the place of the fire.

“You did it” Elsa said to Emma “yeah, I guess I did” Emma said, not believing it “you got me” the Snow Queen said, not believing it. We got the Snow Queen to the police station and locked her up into a room. “All right, Queenie, time to talk” Emma said as Elsa and I joined her in the room. “Ooh, you should get that looked at, Emma” the Snow Queen said, talking about the scratch on her neck. “Oh, now you want to play nice” Emma asked “with you two? Don't you understand, that's all I've ever wanted” the Snow Queen said.

“We don't care what you want, where is Anna” Elsa asked as I leaned on the wall and crossed my arms, listening. “She's alive” the Snow Queen said with a small smile as she talked “we know it, we heard her heartbeat” I said. “You heard her heartbeat” the Snow Queen asked, not 100% believing us “yes, from Bo Peep's Crook” Elsa said. “Sounds like someone's grasping at straws about their long-lost sister” the Snow Queen said. “What happened to her” Elsa asked, worried “I'm not sure you should care, I told you she's the one who put you in that urn. I have no idea why you'd want to find someone like that”.

“Because she is my sister and she would never do what you say” Elsa said “or she's your sister and she couldn't handle what you what we are, and she did exactly as I say” the Snow Queen said. “No” Elsa said, not wanting to believing it “Elsa, you know I'm right, or have you been filling your head with lies like you've been telling everyone else lies” Snow Queen asked?

“What do you mean” Elsa asked “what is she talking about” Emma asked Elsa and I. “You said you wouldn't” I said, mad “what is she talking about” Emma asked again, more angry. “Elsa is Bailey's mom” the Snow Queen said, making Emma look at Elsa and I. “Is she telling the truth” Emma asked and I sighed “yes” I said “Emma, listen, we didn't know for sure, we didn't tell anyone” Elsa said. Emma shook her head “we'll worry about this later, you two go help David and hook try to figure out how to take apart her mirror, I got this” Emma said.

“Emma” Elsa started “I got it” Emma said, putting her hand up. Elsa and I sighed before walking out of the police station. I heard Emma lean on the table and say “okay, it's just you and me, lets talk”.

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