Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


I sat outside of Granny’s Diner with a small glass of some type of alcohol. To some I may look a little younger than 21 but for a vampire I was much older so I could drink. I saw Peter walk over to me and sit down “hey” “how was work” I asked Peter “okay, I heard I missed a pretty good battle with Elsa and the snow queen” Peter said with a smile that soon left when he saw that I wasn’t smiling.

“What’s wrong” Peter asked and leaned on the table with his elbows. “I almost lost control today, that snow queen made some type of blood object that fallows me around. I would have lost it if Elsa wasn’t there” I told Peter. “Did you lose control” “no, but I was so close” I said with a sigh “but you didn’t and that’s the good part. You didn’t lose control and that’s what makes you strong” Peter said taking my hand. I smiled a little “you know Emma was talking to me about how you and I got married in Neverland” I said to him.

“Sometimes I forget that we’re married” Peter says making me hit his arm a little and laugh. “Anyways, what if, what if we had a wedding here, a real wedding” I said and looked at Peter. Peter thought for a second “you know I’m not much into those big weddings” Peter said with a cheesy smile. I chuckled at him “I know, but I know it would mean a lot to everyone if we did, please” I asked and did my puppy dog eyes, making him sigh before standing up.

Peter took my hand and stood me up, making me look at him confused. “If we’re going to get married again then we should do this properly” Peter said and got down on one knee making me laugh “will you marry me, again” Peter said. “Yes” I said with a smile as he stood up and gave me a kiss and I kissed him back. “Well I guess we better tell everyone” I said and pulled away. “This should be fine telling your dad” Peter said more of a whisper making me giggle.

“I’ll tell him, you can tell Hook and Gold and Belle” I said to Peter and he nodded “okay, I love you” “I love you too” I said before going to the apartments where I knew David and Mary Margret would be. I walked inside to have Mary Margret holding baby Neil “hey Bailey” Mary Margret said. “Hi, where’s dad” I asked as he walked into the room “right here” he said with a smile. “Whats up” Mary Margret asked and laid down baby Neil before looking at me.

“Well, I was thinking of having a wedding here in this world so that way it's like I really got married and I know it would mean a lot to you to walk me down the isle” I said to David. He smiled and walked over to me, hugging me “even though I don't really like Pan” I glared at him “Peter I mean, I know he treats you right. I'd love to walk you down the isle” David said with a smile. Mary Margret looks at me with a smile and hugged me “yes, there's a wedding” she said sounding happy. “I have an idea where we can have the wedding, but it's a little far away and we need to clean it” David said. I looked at him confused.

David and I headed far into the woods on a horse before stopping and I smiled “it's only right that you get married in your home” David said as we looked at our castle. Regina was going to be nice and clean it herself. In her way she means use her magic and clean it. After Peter and I told everyone we decided to have it a week later. Gold and Regina worked on a spell so that way everyone could go to the castle. I was excited and so was everyone else because in a way they could go to their old homes for a day.

Where am I right now? I'm standing in my old room with Elsa while everyone else was waiting for me. Emma was my made of honor and Gold was marrying Peter and I while my dad walked me down the isle. “I can't believe this was your room” Elsa said looking around my room while I was behind a curtain getting dressed in my wedding dress. “You should have seen it when it was actually used” I said almost finishing putting on my dress. “I wish I could have seen you, grow up” Elsa said “don't feel to bad, David didn't really get to see me grow up ether” I said.

“Yes but he got to be there for your first ball, everything that I wish I was there for” Elsa said sounding sad. “Well, your here today” I said and walked out, making Elsa turn around and smile. “I had the dress have a hint of blue for you” I said with a smile, making her walk towards me and hug me. “You look beautiful, reminds me that Anna was supposed to get married” Elsa said, looking at the ground. “Don't worry, we'll find her” I said, holding onto her hands. “I thought I was supposed to be the mom” Elsa asked making us both chuckled.

“Anyways, today is a happy day” Elsa said with a smile “I should get out there, your dad will be coming soon” Elsa said and walked out just as Emma walked in wearing a beautiful blue dress. “Wow, you look amazing” Emma said “so do you” “I still can't believe your making me wear a dress” Emma said with a smile. “You look beautiful” I said just as the door opened again.

David walked in looking like he did when he was king. “Wow, it's been awhile since I've seen you dressed like that” I said to him as he smiled. “You look amazing, you both do” he said as Mary Margret walked in, wearing a darker blue dress. “Come on, we should get” she stopped when she saw me “on my gosh, you look beautiful” Mary Margret said and I smiled. “Thank you” I said “well, come on, we should get out there” Emma said and walked out of the room with Mary Margret.

“Your mom would be so happy to see you today” David said “you have no idea” I said with a smile. “Well, we better get out there” David said and held out his arm witch I gladly took and walked out of the room. The wedding was amazing and it felt so good to be home. Gold told us about where Belle and him went for their honeymoon and said that's were Peter and I could go. It was good because it was still in Storybrooke. Peter and I walked into the house and smiled as we looked around.

“Man, we could live here” Peter said while walking into a huge room that almost looked like a mini ball room. “No kidding” I said and stopped to look at Peter “well, how do you feel Mrs. Pan” Peter asked and I couldn't help but laugh. “Great, fantastic, every word possible” I said with a huge smile. “And it's just getting better” Peter said and kissed me. “How sweet” Peter and I quickly pulled away and looked to see the snow queen.

“What do you want” Peter asked mad “I came for something I need” she said and waved her hand, trapping Peter in snow chains. “Let him go” I said “I will, but first your going to help me with something” “never” I said. The snow queen sighed “I was afraid you'd say that” she said and blew something in my face. I closed my eyes and rubbed them before opening them and notice that they were light blue. “Now, your under my control” the snow queen said with a smile.

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