Chapter 16

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Elsa, David, Regina, Emma, Mary Margret, Peter, Leroy, and Hook are all standing in the clock tower looking at this huge storm cloud that's moving towards us. “Belle was right, my aunt it actually doing this” Elsa said. “The spell of shattered sight” Mary Margret whispered, but I heard her. “We open the mines and the vault, we take shelter there” David said “this is magic, it doesn't care about ceilings” Peter said with a sigh.

“It's started” I said “how long” Hook asked Regina “by sundown. By sundown, everyone in this town will start tearing each other apart”. “Okay, the answer is simple, let's not be in town” Emma said. We all headed to the ice wall that was keeping us in town. “Hardly an elegant solution” Regina said “nothing wrong with brute force if it works” Emma said. “If we can get over, we can build a frame, take people over one at a time” Leroy said.

David grabbed his rope “I still think I should be doing this” I told David “what, don't think I can do it” David asked with a smile. I looked at him like 'really'. “David, be careful” Mary Margret said and he nodded and walked up to the ice wall. When he was about to climb it quickly grew more ice, knocking David to the ground. “Dad” I said and Mary Margret, Emma, and I ran over to him. “You okay” Emma asked “looks like that wall doesn't care much for your brute force” Regina said as Elsa started to walk up to a crack in it.

“Elsa stop, that thing could go off again” Emma said to her and reached in the crack and grabbed something. “It's Anna's necklace, I thought it was gone, it's like a miracle” Elsa said with a huge smile. “Glad you found it, but sentimentality's not worth risking your life over” Emma told her. “It's a sign, Emma a sign we're gonna win” Elsa said. “Is everyone into this hope thing now” Regina asked? “If we're gonna win, we need to stop wasting time” I tell everyone.

“She's right, Mom, dad, Leroy, go tell everyone what's going on” Emma says “when this goes down, everyone needs to be separated from their loved ones if they don't want to hurt each other” Emma tells them and they run off. “Killian go to waterfront to see if we can use boats to get some people out” Emma says to Hook and he leaves. “I have to warn Robin Hood, his camp's not far from here” Regina said. “Okay, Elsa and I are gonna talk to Gold, see if he has any ideas. Henry, you come with us” Emma said “no, he's with me. I'm his best chance” Regina said. “Okay” I yell “Henry goes with Regina, Emma don't worry” I say.

Emma sighed “okay, go, just be careful kid” Henry hugged her “we gotta go, this is happening now” Regina said. “Peter and I will double check with everyone to make sure there some place safe” I said and we all went our different ways. After about an hour of checking with everyone I told Peter to meet me at the police station while I went to go find Elsa and Emma to see what they found.

After a few minuets I heard footsteps and headed to the mines below. “Hey” I told Emma and Elsa, making them jump, surprised. “What are you guys doing down here” I asked them “we're looking for Elsa's sister, if we get a peace of her hair, then we can save everyone” Emma said. “It's brighter” Elsa said and looked around “there, there” Elsa said and we turned a corner to see a spot caved in.

“What, no, how can there be a barrier? Look how bright the glow is, she must be practically right on the other side. Anna, are you there” Elsa called, angry “look at this dust. It just recently fell” I tell Elsa and Emma “all the new ice spiking and earth shaking that the Snow Queen's been doing must've caused it” Emma said. “I can move this” Elsa said ad took a step back “no, Elsa, stop” Emma said. “As much as I enjoyed our last cave-in, I don't wanna do it again”. “But she's right there” Elsa said mad “then we'll find another way, I promise we'll find her” I tell Elsa and she sighs.

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