Chapter 19

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Anna, Kristoff, Elsa, Emma, Henry, Mary Margret, David, and I were all standing in front of the ice wall. "Wow, that is a lot of ice" Anna said "and it's time for it to come down" Elsa said with a smile. She put her hands up, making the ice wall disappear "Okay, now can we go back home" Anna asked and was about to step over the line. "Stop" Emma and I both yelled. "Don't take another step, that's the town line" Emma said. "Right, but I want to leave the town, didn't I just say that" Anna asked as Elsa walked up to Anna.

"The wall may be down, but I sense that some of Ingrid's magic remains" Emma said and tried to pass but couldn't. "Yeah, leaving this town has never been simple and Ingrid didn't change things. She wanted to be here alone with you and me, she wanted to make Storybrooke her ice castle, and clearly she wanted to protect it" Emma said. "So how do we get back home" Anna asked "walking wouldn't get us there anyway. We're in a different realm" Elsa said "we need to find a portal or magic beans or something" I said.

"Well, then let's get one of those things, we have to hurry" Anna said "no, we don't need to rush. We need to be careful, Arendelle will still be there while we figure this out" Elsa said. "It might not" Anna says and gasps "Anna" Elsa asked worried "Arendelle's been conquered by Hans and his 12 brothers" Anna said to her. Elsa looked nervous "Emma, we need to find a way back, now" Elsa said. "We'll do our best" I said.

David, Emma, Henry, Mary Margret, Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, and I all headed to the same house that Peter and I had out short honeymoon. "This place is amazing" Henry said "yeah" I said as we looked around "I'll, uh, be right back" Henry said and ran into a different room. "Hey, kid, wait" Emma called and we all gathered in a room to see a door standing in the middle of the room.

"Let me guess, Arendelle door" I said and Anna nodded about to open the door. "Wait, maybe I should open it, magic can be unpredictable. "So this is it" Elsa said to Emma "appears so" Emma said "thank you for taking such good care of my sister" Anna said "it's kind of what we do" I said with a smile. "Now, don't you all have a kingdom to go save" Mary Margret said "we sure do" Elsa said. "I hope Hans isn't too comfortable on that throne 'cause I'm gonna knock him right off the minute we get back" Anna said.

"And the second minute we're back, maybe we could get married? Just a thought" Kristoff said and we all laughed. "Elsa, can I talk to you for a moment" I said and lead her out of the room while Anna and Kristoff said goodbye to everyone. "Bailey, what is it" Elsa asked and I quickly hugged her. "I going to miss you" I said and Elsa hugged me back "I'm going to miss you too" Elsa said, hugging me tightly. "But hey, who knows, maybe things will be different" Elsa said pulling away.

"I love you mom" I said and she smiled "I love you too" she said and hugged me again before going back in the room with me behind her. Elsa took a deep breath before walking threw the door with Kristoff behind her. "I wish I could have met this Mr. Gold, he seems super helpful" Anna said stopping, before going threw the portal. "Who is he? I mean, who is he in the other world? Wait, let me guess, he was a fairy godfather, wasn't he" Anna said with a smile.

David chuckled "well, not exactly he was an evil sorcerer you're lucky you never met.
Rumplestiltskin" David said. "Wait, what" Anna said "you know him" I asked "he explicitly said he didn't know anything about you" Emma said. "Well, that's a lie, not that I'm surprised. All he does is lie" Anna said "so Gold was playing us the whole time" Emma said "but why" I asked. "We have to find him, Bailey can you use your super hearing and see if you can find him" Emma quick asked?

I listened closely "clock tower" I said and Anna went threw the portal as we all headed to the clock tower. Emma and Mary Margret ran in the clock tower to see Gold and Hook, Gold holding Hook's heart. "Now" I yelled coming out of hiding "what's going on, why can't I brake his heart" Gold asked confused. "Because I commanded you not to" belle said, holding the dagger that can control Gold.

"Drop the heart, now release everyone" Belle said and everything went back to normal. "And now? Now you can take us to the town line because we need to be alone for what comes next" Belle said. She was going to make him cross the line, so he could never return. I headed to the woods and leaned on a tree, looking at the rock in my hand, rubbing it and trying to see what it will do.

I sighed and held the stone out "what do you do" I asked the rock like it will answer. I looked around before focusing on the rock. The rock started to shake and crack and this black and red smoke came out, going straight for my eyes. I took a step back and looked around as I blinked my eyes a few times.


I walked into the ocean part of the museum and saw a girl cleaning the glass. She starts to talk to the fish. "It's all I got, if you're not happy about it, try eating each other" Ursula said in her human form. "I hear cannibalism is frowned upon in the aquatic world or maybe you could tell me differently" I said to her and she chuckles "so, this is what a man who always wins looks like" Ursula said. "I assure you, Ursula, my situation is only temporary" I said.

"Really? How you gonna fix that, play the lotto" Ursula said "I'd like to tell you a story.
It's about heroes and villains, where the villains always lose" "seems like someone's changed his tune" she aid to me. "I've learned the rules do apply to me, but also there's someone who can change those rules" I said "who" "for now, let's call him the Author" "you don't know who he is" she asked me? "No, not yet, but let's go see him, tell him what we think. Unless you prefer life as a fish-food dispenser, but if you're coming to me for help" I said.

"I can assume it won't be easy, who's standing in our way" Ursula said. "The usual people" someone says and the sound of black boots hitting the ground makes us both look over to see Bailey wearing black boots, a red top with a black leather jacket and black pants. Bailey stops with a smile in front of us, making me smile "the heroes". "Who are you" Ursula asked in a annoyed voice. Bailey looked at me and I nodded, making Bailey pin her to the glass by her throat. "You can call me Star" she said with a evil smile, letting her go.

Ursula rubbed her neck, catching her breath "now, let's get your things. We've got two more stops to make" Bailey said with a evil smile.

Please let me know what you think. I'll be putting the book on hold until the show starts up again. Comment, please.

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