Chapter 4

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*Spirit's P.O.V*

She walked to the corner of a wall and started to fall asleep, I wonder if she is going to have a good dream. I don't want her to find out about her home or her family, she's lost her memory on the rest of her family other than her parents it's sad that she is going through something like that at such a young age. Thank god I found her before she got to her home to find out that its destroyed. "I don't want you to be sad or angry with me, it was for your own good" I spoke calmly before lying down to fall asleep.

~Time Skip to 4:26am~

During the night I woke up, I looked to the sky filled with stars, I then looked over to the girl, I didn't know her name neither does she. When she's ready I'll give her a name to keep with her for as long as she lives. "you'll be named with your beauty and your courage, your name with be none other than Katt, a lovely name for a lovely girl" it was beginning to be dawn. I was wide awake, so I started to walk around the roof looking for a place that still has food and not expired food. I was walking until I heard a faint scream, I turned around knowing it was her I sprinted towards her direction back to where she is and saw her wide awake and panting in shock, I walked slowly to her with a smile on my face, so she would feel safe but when she looked at me she began to cry...

*Katt's P.O.V*

I started to cry from looking at the spirit, he started to worry, and he kneeled to where my eye level is, I stared into his eyes while he stared into mine. "Katt, don't be afraid of me, I want to help you, you're safe with me" he said that so softly to me, I didn't know this,but I started to stand up and be eye height with him. 

He started glowing very brightly, I didn't know what he was doing but it hurt my eyes badly "turn around, keep your eyes shut, open them when I tell you to" I did as he told me to, I turned around with my eyes shut. I didn't hear anymore sound as he probably stopped glowing.

"you can turn around now...Katt" I didn't know he was talking to me because he said the name 'Katt' but I'm the only one here...did he give me a name? I... love it. I turned around and opened my eyes to see...Him. He is real, he is a real human. I got so happy and hugged him tightly he pulled me away and then kissed my forehead. I was so happy but very hungry, my stomach grumbled as it got hungrier. He left the roof and went to go find some food for us to eat


What Katt and the spirit don't know is that they were bring watched...


*Unknown P.O.V*

I finally have her all alone, she will be mine, time to strike before he comes back and ruins it all 

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