Chapter 6

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A/N I'm spelling colour with a u if you have an issue sorry its just how i spell it

He, who kidnapped me was my chosen husband by my parents, they didn't want me to choose the wrong person because they didn't trust me. He wasn't a nice guy when someone other than me was in the same room. He is crazy, incapable of trust, abusive, a man whore, rude to me and only ME. He is the complete opposite to Luka or the spirit, as soon as he turns around I see that face... the face of pure evil, violence, murder and craziness. "hello, my darling Katt, it's so nice to see my beautiful fiancé again" I didn't say anything as I felt nothing... Luka is hurt badly, why can't he go back into being a spirit without the human body? Can't he change back to heal? What have I done? What has... HE DONE? "My fiancé, what's with the demonic face? Where's my beautiful, happy girl?" I was going insane and Luka could see it. I can tell he was scared, my insanity was going off the wall. The ground was shaking I was losing it. I got mad in a matter of seconds he couldn't stop me, no one could. I started to walk forwards with my head down so my shadow would cover my eyes I could feel that my eyes weren't normal and that they changed colour. I was once told that my eyes changed colours depending on my mood and the area. He was hurting Luka every time he tried to talk, it was making me mad... Crazy mad Luka tried t tell me to stop with the look in his eyes. I couldn't stand someone hurting another being in front of me.  

They will pay...

He Will Pay With...

His Life...

"Honey,we will be so happy with life, once we get rid of this interruption that's here" interruption?He thinks Luka is the interruption? He IS the INTERRUPTION. He starts to walkover to me mumbling some stuff that I don't care about, out of nowhere I have a knife in my hand, who knows what I'll do with this...I didn't question the weapon,I liked it in my hands it felt... natural. I was losing control of myself as I started to walk towards him once again, my mind is saying 'kill him, kill him, kill HIM'over and over again in my head getting more and more violent he saw the weapon placed in my hand, he didn't move as he thinks I'm 'innocent' with every thing in life but he was wrong... So wrong, he just kept on smiling and standing still.He's in for a surprise today. I waled up to him with the knife tightly in my grip...  I was starting to second think everything into joining his side just to betray him moments later. "I'm come to join you my... future... husband" I was struggling to say those last few words as it hurt me and Luka to call him that, his face lit up with joy and happiness as he thinks I'm joining him for real. Humph. Luka on the other hand looked sad and depressed as he knew sometime later death was upon him, it hurt me to see him that way I'm not going to let him die not now,not ever, I shot him a look of 'I'm going to kill him and set you free' he thought I was going to kill him as if I could, I would rather die than kill him.He hid his eyes as they knew what face I was pulling so that the one who took us doesn't know we are communicating though faces and emotions. 

Since he's a spirit he spoke to me surprisingly via telepathy he said "His name is Matt he's been trying to get information out of me on you. I didn't tell anything, he even threatened to hurt you, but since he loves you he wouldn't do it or, so I thought I was wrong he tried to put a mark on your forearm with a burning metal thing, he said that he'll do it over and over again, he really didn't want to hurt you in case it killed you or made you loose your arm, he got angry at the fact I didn't tell him anything, he made me watch was he wasn't going to do, he put force into making a mark I was for sure you were going to get hurt really badly but something went wrong... you had a force field around yourself like no-one could touch you, as you were unconscious... it's impressive" I had to keep my face straight as 'Matt' was staring into my soul or what's left of it I could sense that Luka got the message in my head.     

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