Chapter 8

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I was confused at myself, no one else around, I felt like I was in my own world, surrounding me in darkness alone just thinking in my own world. I couldn't hear anyone I couldn't hear anything what have I done to myself...where have I ended up? I can only think inside my head, los memories everywhere...where am I? written on the black wall in white writing until everything came into colour, my house, my family, my pets and my stuff everything was back or at least that's what it looked like. I saw myself when I was younger running around with a smile on my face playing with my teddy bear and my father, this was when I was 6 years old way before the bomb...happy times was this day because usually my dad is busy, and my mum was out in town somewhere probably drunk. My dad always had a frown on his head when he has something to do with work, never enough time for me so I played with my teddy bear by myself, in my own room while my dad was on the phone talking to business people. I knew we were poor, but I was still happy...happy with the life I had...happy with who was in my life...Happy where I was but now everything...everyone is... gone

I heard the birds chirping... I saw my surroundings and I was walking through a park, a dark wooden bridge over a light blue river with kids running around on the grass, over the bridge and through the flowers with big, happy smiles on their faces. I was walking towards the bridge like a shadow, no one noticing and kids going through my shadowy hurts, I've lost my sanity I started screaming loudly while no one heard my screams, my body falling through the earth like I'm nothing with all my body in pain from everything stabbing me while I get pulled into the ground by many things...I've lost it...I've lost everything...I've lost...

Waking up with a gasp as I took in my surroundings shaking my head to look around for the first time wondering where I was or who was one was with me, but I was in an unfamiliar place. My legs were chained up and so was my hands I didn't know why or who did this, but I started to wonder if Luka chained me up...but why would he?

My stomach began to ache as if something sharp had stabbed me...blood crawled up into my mouth, so I spat it out onto the cold, red concrete floor. I started coughing, choking and spitting more blood as a knife kept stabbing me in my stomach repeatedly over and over until I finally...went...insane. I could feel my eyes turned crimson red and my back grew long black sharp wings that looked like demon wings, I started screaming in pain and agony as I kept trying to hit what was hitting me until I heard a deep, shallow voice "My pretty, its not nice to hurt your host is it?" I was weak, but I didn't care, I tried to speak but my voice was digging inside of me like it was being stabbed by more, longer and sharper knives in my throat "Aww can't talk? That's a pity...isn't it?" my eyes gave me night vision as I was looking around the dark room to spot the person who took me, but couldn't see or hear it...until the voice was right beside my ear "trying to find me? have fun with that...I'm just like you" I was shocked by his words 'I'm just like you' my body wasn't responding to me I couldn't move one muscle what did he mean by that? "are you trying to figure out how I'm like you?" A hand grabbed my chin aggressively and held me up to a shadowy face, like mine was when I was dreaming "we are the same, you are home" I was about to cry from the pain he was giving me but I was holding in my tears and tried to force his hand off my face but he only tightens his grip and shoves me against a nearby wall, it hurt my back I was trying to speak but still the same response came out....nothing...."Stop trying to escape, you are home, home is here forever" I know I'm not home or with the people I love but most importantly...

Where is Luka?


Sorry it's short i'm trying to get ideas please leave ideas if you are still reading this <3

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