Chapter 14

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The sound of the gun went off, I wasn't in any sort of pain, but I couldn't hear anything, my eyes were closed as the familiar area wasn't as noisy after that gunshot...all I could hear was my uneven breathing and the sound of my thoughts "OpEn YoUr eYes! WhAt ArE yOu DoInG?" I did as I was told from the thoughts that haunt me, slowly opening my eyes there was him standing there right in front of me with a hole in his head and blood spilling out from the bullet hole.

My eyes were hurting from the blood scene in front of me, I wasn't breathing evenly my head was spinning as my body went numb and fell to the floor, I was going unconscious as small black dots crowded my vision... The only thing I felt was me falling to the floor from the scene, "KATT!" was all I heard before I fell unconscious.


My body was stiff as I thought Katt got shot by Jarod, my heart skipped so many beats until Jarod was finally on the ground bleeding out from what seems to be a bullet hole through the side of his head, My body was relieved when I saw that Katt was okay until she fell on the ground, I was in shock I couldn't process what happened why did she fall? Did she get hit? Where's the wound? "KATT!" was all I could say, I couldn't move my body towards her, I couldn't look away all I wanted was for her to say something...anything...but she didn't.

"Where is she?" someone asks from outside the door, I don't recall anyone's voice being that scary yet so soothing... "I said, where is she?!" he was getting impatient "She's gone, that's just a maid of mine" I said holding in my fear, "You better not by lying to me~" I was not going to let her go from who she really is, I can't give up on her she needs to learn about her past and who her real family is.

"Are you lying to me?" my body was stiff as a plank, I couldn't move from the amount of fear in my mind, I might seem strong on the outside but when you come into my house and kill someone that I really care for...then things will get dirty, Katt isn't waking up and I'm sure she won't be for a while.

"You can't see the real me like other people do, get out before I make you" as bold as I am, I said that with a serious look on my face, nothing is not worth saying if it isn't meaningful to someone, my parents always disregarded me like I wasn't their child, they always treated me like a stranger, every morning I wake up hoping that something has changed or someone will care for me like I always wanted but nothing changed it was always me getting beaten up, not eating most nights, been kicked and hit and all sorts of punishments even if I didn't do anything wrong, my parents always hated me so now I will hit this man like I've always wanted to, to my own parents.

"You have done enough damage to my property, my pride and my...maid" I struggled to say 'maid' just because Katt is more than that, she will always be a queen to me, "thinking she'll be a queen to you? Haha please don't make me laugh, that's a killer" He could read my mind? No maybe I said it too loud? Wait did I say it at all? "Too many questions your mind is going through, please clear your head" "well then, stop looking in my head that way you won't complain" all I heard was a chuckle from that man behind the door, "You really think you can beat me? I know a lot about you, but you barely know me" soon enough I couldn't feel anything, my body was drained of all my energy and I was on the floor, "You should've thought twice before challenging me" I could barely breathe my lungs are failing me but before I could give up I threw myself up to grab anything that could hurt who's trying to get Katt from me and ran towards the door where I know he is...

I turn the corner and saw what he looks like, he's standing there looking towards my direction, his glowing red eyes and his dark black hair, he was someone I couldn't remember his face, maybe he used to be Katt's old lover? The one who was abusive to her, has he found her, or did he die when the explosive went off?

I can't let her go, she is everything to me I can't lose her again she's everything to me, who does this guy think I am? A weakling? I'll show him...

*Katt's POV*

Slowly gaining conscious in my body was a good feeling, it's that feeling that I'm not dead and my eyes will open soon, I just need to wait for my 5 senses...I can feel my body, first sense down, the second sense was my smell, then my hearing came with my eyes at the same time, the taste of blood in my mouth was horrid and I had to spit it out before my body does for me...

Waking up with a headache isn't an ideal thing for me since it really hurts, and I can't get over it unless I have something soothing to calm it down, turning around onto my stomach as my arms push off the floor to let my puke come out however it wants to... looking around my surroundings I was shocked at the scene in front of me eyes... it was Kyle and a man, fighting, Kyle was getting beaten to the ground while the man was on top of him throwing punches at his face and his torso... I couldn't believe my eyes.

The man has glowing red eyes, dark black hair his face was full of anger and aggression... what could've made this man so mad, he looks like he wants to kill Kyle I can't let that happen Kyle knows my life and I need him alive to tell me what I was...who I am and why this happened...

My body was powering up with adrenaline and courage to stand up and yell to my heats content "STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!!!!" all sound was cancelled out as I opened my eyes they were both staring at me with a shocked face, Kyle's face soon relaxed and the other guys face was just blank and emotionless but there was a little bit of hope in his eyes.

"PLEASE STOP THIS!" I wasn't as strong as I used to be..."ThAt's RiGhT, YeLL AT ThEm!" silence filled the air until the man I didn't know finally took off his hood to show his once hidden face, all the glowing red eyes are gone and he starts to relax, he spoke "I've finally found you Katt... you were here this whole time" his emotions got the best of him as he started to cry.

I was in shock from the sudden emotion but soon enough he came running to where I was standing and hugged me, his hug was a strong hold that I couldn't escape from it easily, I could feel his breath on my neck as goose bumps were all over my body from the sudden impact, I was looking around to see Kyle's face, he was really mad, not just the ordinary mad but the death glare mad... It's obvious that he doesn't like to see this happening. I tried to push the stranger off of me, so I could breathe again, but he wouldn't let go "Let go of me!" I close my eyes to try break free, but I couldn't..."you heard her, didn't you? LET HER GO!" Kyle wasn't his normal self, The stranger just growled and pointed a gun at him while he was still holding onto me, "You think I'll let her go that easily? You're pathetic" he was going to pull the trigger until...I finally recognize his voice...I can't believe it, "why would you do this to me? You know what I've been through, yet you still hide it from me!" WHY ARE YOU HIDING IT FROM ME LUKA! WHO AM I?!"

"Katt, please...forgive me" I looked into his eyes as he was still crying, he looks down to me and tries to smile before he got knocked out by Kyle... the world eases into slow motion everything falling slowly...

Life doesn't really like me does it? I'm not "normal" am I? will I ever know who I am?

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