Chapter 11

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(This chapter might cause confusion just bear with me please)

That voice...Where is it coming from? Behind me? Beside me? In front of me? It's nowhere but everywhere at the same time...

"Looking for something Katt?" my body was shaking the thought of going insane made me wonder....Did something change me in the past? Was I different? Why do I feel so lonely even with company around it all a lie is it some sort of joke? Am I really alive? Or am I just dead with my life repeating over and over again just with different outcomes? "Stop holding me back Katt, I know its hard for you but its hard for me too" arms got wrapped around my waist while telling me to let go...let go of everything, I can't do that, not that easily and not that strongly I have to hold on...suddenly the darkness faded away into a grassy hilltop with a view of the city how it was before the explosion, all the lights were on the stars brightly lit up and the street lights dazzling in the night sky while cars are heading home to see their families safe at home with no worries about anything...just everyone having fun with big smiles on their faces happy to see someone walk through that door after having a hard day at work or a hard day out with friends or other family members just as normal as life gets...

Until there were two shadowy figures flying high above the city, so no one saw them flying about like two birds just with long black wings and dark hoods on their heads they were leaving a small red trail behind them but that trail didn't last long as it wasn't very bright, they were having fun it seems flying about not caring what they did until someone else came into the picture someone who was easily noticed from afar the person was wearing all white and glowing like a light stick with massive, beautiful white wings landed on a building nearby so people who look up from the ground couldn't see them, the two who were flying were now with the white glowing person I guess talking or something...

The Surrounding view was now gone back into darkness like before but soon showed colour to the real world as I felt my body in more pain than before "Thank god you're awake its been hours!" I was inside the building as my hand was getting squeezed by this guy who knows who I am. His hands were glowing a lime green colour while he was holding my hand I couldn't move as I was again chained to the wall, so I wouldn't jump up and run but why would I do that? I'm in a lot of pain and if I could run I wouldn't get far from all my cuts and bruises all over my body still in the process of healing. "Katt, I'm sorry I wasn't paying and attention to catch you when you fell please be careful I don't want to loose you again..." there was a big moment of silence until a maid came inside to see how I was doing she told me I can't stand up on my own yet and still need to rest as I'll be spending a lot of time here trying to heal all the way to perfect health "Katt....when you are all healthy I'll help you get strong and we could be like the old times, wouldn't that be nice?" I was still confused at this, but I ignored it since this might make him happy one day when I'm all better...I still wonder where Luka is but deep inside my mind I think that he doesn't care about me anymore and he never will. I try to brush it off, but I feel like I'm being held back from the truth of who I really am or was before I lost everything...

Was I normal before this happened to me? I looked over at the guy who was inside the room with me and noticed that he was sitting on the edge of the window sill again looking out to the dark abysses that is the world "What is your name?" he looked over to me with a bit of pain in his eyes like I was supposed to know but I really didn't know him at all, I didn't think of asking him before this moment... "It's Kyle" he said facing the window again to avoid eye contact, so I couldn't read what his emotions were through his eyes... I tried to talk but my voice was gone like something had stopped it from coming up or like someone was holding it down it hurt me very much, I didn't like it but all I could hear over and over was "StOp HoLdINg Me bAcK!" my body was soon losing all control but gaining a whole lot of new pain that I haven't experience ever before, my body wasn't handling it very well.

I started screaming as the pain kept influencing in my body, Kyle was just looking my way with pain and sadness, maids were coming into the room from the noise I was making with my voice, they injected me with some substance and it soon came to a stop, only panting was heard from my body as it finally gave up on staying awake, darkness was surrounding me, my eyelids were getting heavy, my body was getting stiff as I drift off to sleep.

*Kyle's P.O.V*

As she asked me my name, I was hurt even if I knew she lost her memories it was still heart breaking, I could hear her cries for help when she suddenly broke out into screams, I know she's in there somewhere the real her is in there, I just have to get her out.

I need her

We'll be happy like the old times...Just you wait

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