Chapter 12

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Good quote up there ^

It says "The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they muct be felt with the heart"

------------------------ Onto the story 😊 

*Katt's P.O.V*

Darkness is my friend now, I always seem to be with it, I just feel like it's a part of me like someone who doesn't leave my side, someone who is always there for when I needed most... "KATT! WHERE ARE YOU! COME BACK PLEASE...Please just come back to me" someone...screaming my name?

Was surrounded by darkness, now surrounded by sunlight breaking through trees, atmosphere was calm, all I could hear are...birds chirping in the distance and leaves flowing through the wind as if they were flying. "KATT! COME BACK! I NEED YOU!" that voice belongs to someone I have met 'DoN't wOrRy AbOuT hIm, He iS, Of nO NeEd To uS...' my mind is taking away something from my past that I may not recover... "KATT REMEMBER ME PLEASE! I LO-" 'he is of no use to us' use to us.

The voice in my head, telling me to do things but also to ignore other people? I need to find out why it's doing that to me...why I'm like this, and when did it all start.

*Interactive Flashback* (character is in there but can't physically do stuff that prevents something from happening)

"Honey please be safe out there; the world is dangerous and full of strangers who can easily take you without us knowing or seeing...we could lose you...I don't want to lose my only baby...I love you darling, please be safe" my mother says with a worried expression and her voice crackling in between breaths as she slowly disappears into the mist of the cold winter dad's hand reaching out for me as I try to hold his hand one last time before that's all taken away from me, I can't do that anymore, he's gone forever I can't make him come back after all he's done for me, I can't do much for him now...

*Interactive Flashback Ends*

Trees that were once blooming have now lost their leaves and is dead, the peaceful atmosphere is now draining, the wind blowing harshly due to no more shade or protection, the light blue sky now engulfed in dark grey clouds, screams of terror shot through my ears as this was the true error of the world. There is no peace here, no more peace anywhere.

"WAKE UP!" my body waking up slowly due to my sudden outburst of pain I once had before I fell unconscious, my muscles were slowly starting to work as they were numb for who knows how long. "you're gonna be late, hurry up!" 'gonna be late?' "late for what?" I ask, "just get ready I'll tell you on the way" I look into his eyes, his face pale body looks weak he looks like he hasn't slept in weeks, "how long haven't you slept for?" I ask politely with a morning voice "you'll be shocked" he finally spoke up after a little pause to get the courage to say those three words. "just listen to him, you'll be happy once again" once again? "I'll be happy once again?" he looked at me with a concerned look on his face "you got something on your mind? Don't be afraid to tell me, I've always been here for you" he was standing with his arms by his side, a relaxed expression I see from his mind... creating a zone where I'm untouchable making me drift beyond reality as all these questions came into mind who am I? why am I like this? Who is important to me now?

All these questions that are in my mind need to go away, I can figure out the pathway to my memories later, I need to know why I am important to these people who know me...I was surrounded by darkness now I am completely in control of my feelings and my mind, I am determined to find answers to all my questions from these people. Back into reality with a snap of his finger


"You okay there?... your expression is so blank, is there something on your mind?" looking into his eyes I see worry, heartbroken, sad...why can I see these? "Yes, I'm quite fine" I say staring into his eyes with curiosity...Him leaning closer to my face, everything going silent until...

(See next chapter) Sorry to leave on a cliff-hanger 😊

Next update will be the 27 October!

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