Chapter 5

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*Katt's P.O.V*

I felt like someone was watching me from afar, but I brushed it off. I was looking over at the other buildings fall and crash making a load of smoke when the bricks hit the ground it was like a storm was hitting. After a minute or two all I saw was blackness surrounding me, I heard an un-familiar voice "You're not leaving me again, you're all mine! HAHAHA!" after that I was slowly losing control in my own body "Put Katt down you monst- "I blacked out and went into a deep slumber, I couldn't move at all my only question now is...

"I'm alone, again aren't I?"

Voices were surrounding me saying "You're worthless, stop trying, No one likes you, your useless, kill yourself" I ignored all of this because I know its not good or healthy to listen to everyone that speaks to you. All I want to know is "Where am I?" "I'm glad you're awake my love, I'm glad to have you fiancé" I wasn't okay with him calling me this, 'fiancé'? who does he think he is? Bossing me around? I don't love him, I haven't even seen his face or known him for long, I know love when I see it or feel it. This guy isn't nice I can tell because he kidnapped me duh, he'll try to get me to marry him ha like he has a chance. "I'm not going to marry you" I said harshly "Well, that's too bad if you deny I'll have to hurt your little friend ha-ha!" I couldn't look at him since his voice was bouncing around the dark walls of the room. "Oh, my love you'll have nothing to worry about if you accept, like you were supposed to" I don't want to accept him since I know he's trouble "Take me to him" I said agitated "you want to say your goodbyes?" I didn't say anything except looked empty and shattered at the thought of him, dying... Someone started to untie me from the chair that I was sitting in suddenly, bright arrows lit up my way to show me where to go. "follow the arrows for a big surprise!" I started to follow the arrows in every direction. About 10 minutes later I head the bad man say, "You're almost there!" I was calm and trying to not get my hopes up as I knew some thing would be bad at the end. Every time I kept walking I kept getting more and more impatient with myself. I couldn't hold my patience in, I started running on the break of tears when I know he'll be hurt. "She's going to run out of breath soon, she's looking for you... Luka" I head someone talking... Luka? Is that his name... its so...cute AH WHAT AM I DOING? I need to find him or at least the guy that calls me his fiancé a shiver goes up my back as I continue running. "here she comes, almost here...Katt" he's not aloud to call me that name... only the people I care about can call me by that name... "Ka-tt" I heard him, he called out my name... he sound hurt... "Don't say here name, you don't deserve to call her, time for your punishment!" there was this noise that came after the bad man said that it was like a.... A SLAP! I ran until my heart gave up on me turning corners faster than I have ever turned a corner in my life, I'm not sure but I might be going in circles. I got closer to the voices and heard... "Don't ever call out MY fiancé's name, you'll earn a much more PAINFUL PUNISHMENT!" "She doesn't love you, no one ever will, YOU'RE A DEAD MA- "before he could finish his sentence he got hit in the stomach by a whip. What Luka said was true I didn't love the mad man, he took me and Luka in this place as hostages in an unknown place.

I was standing in a doorway when everything became clear to me...

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