Chapter 7

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I looked up with my head and eyes to see that Matt was looking into my eyes with the 'love' look, I walked over to Luka and raised my hands slowly over his body to see if magic was real, his body was starting to get better than what it was before all the scratches and knife wounds were disappearing like they were never there before. Matt behind me was in shock and was going to stop me until I turned around with the death glare in my left eye and a red and black eye (just like demon eyes), I raised my hand to face him and all I thought about was killing him, he...who hurt Luka, "no one should hurt him NOT NOW, NOT EVER" I was over flowing with anger both my eyes glowed red with hatred as my hand stayed there for longer, more silence flew in the air, he was scared of me... I could see his eyes in the now, dark room, looking at him brings back memories of when he did abusive things to me but now the roles have changed and I'm the dominate one! "I've waited for this my ever since I laid my eyes on overpowering you... YOU'RE now the little weakling!" "my dear y-you don't h-have to d-do thi-s" "SHUT UP! Any last words...Matt?" he was silent, nothing to say all the power in my hands I could feel the anger and pain I've been through with this guy, as my parents forced me to be with him.

He whispered something I couldn't quite hear... oh well I'm sure no one would've wanted to hear another word from his mouth again. My hands were forming a new power that I've never seen before, all electricity from this land and building was in my hands creating a mana ball or a ball of death, the light was brighter than the sun, too bright for his eyes he looked away but I made it that only one side was bright and the other was dull since death was dark and not bright all the strength I had was getting put into this death ball to be shot in 0.4 seconds and the rudest, sexist, abusive man in the world. I wasn't in control of my hands, my anger took over and threw the death ball at Matt so bright and painful it killed him by burning him, shocking him, loss of blood and my anger.

Matt disintegrated in a mere second and so did the walls on the place that he kept us hostage at, leading to the outside world were broken and destroyed. Luka manages to escape out of his containment and stood next to me with a smile on his face, seeing him smile felt recognisable but his smile was the best smile I've ever seen in my life.

*Spirit's P.O.V*

She looks sad I wonder why... I grabbed her wrist and started pacing to the new exit made by her new power... she is full of surprises, I'm still happy with her being okay. The one thing I didn't want her to be is either sad or crazy.

I wonder if she'll be okay without her parents to go to...

The only place I want to take her is the grand palace, where I used to live... Before the nightmare began I placed a force field around my house to keep it safe. I wished for one person to be alive and I'm happy that my fate was her, I was blessed to have her with me in this day and time, I'm glad she is blessed with such power of her own to take care of herself and others like me. The only consequence is that she lost her memories, she won't remember me until later when she gets her memory back from doing something activating it.

As we were walking out slowly I saw a shiny ring on the floor, I didn't want to make it obvious by me picking it up, so I hovered my hand over to where it was sitting in a box it came towards me, so I could grab it without Katt asking questions.

She was focused on what was ahead, the bright sunlight that was emitting from her destruction, she didn't looked fazed by what she did but I was, I felt her rage in her eyes when she was healing me her right eye went red and black to look like a demon before she turned around and had the other eye follow what the right eye was doing. She must have hated that guy 1000%/100%. I wonder what he did to make her hate him so much. She didn't see the object that was in my hand as I put it into a little bag that was hanging around my waist I looked at her one last time, she didn't seem to have any emotion emitting from her face, she must be thinking about something but what?

*Katt's P.O.V.*

Ever since I was little, I knew I wasn't normal that's why I never had any friends... I've been lonely for almost all my life until just a few weeks before the nightmare began...

*Lost Memory Flashback*

This boy, I didn't really know a lot about him, but he knew me quite well, I didn't know how, but everyday he'll walk me to class with a smile on his face and books in his hand he always held my books even when I didn't want him to, I felt bad him holding my heavy books or at least heavy for me, when he's holding my books I felt as my stuff was too heavy for him but he always said it's fine, he wouldn't give me my books until I got to class when I needed them. Every class he would come in at the end and take my stuff as he said it's so light, but I guess that carrying my stuff will make him stronger in the arms I don't know hehe...

He never really told me why he held my stuff or neither did I ask... I was too late and now...

*Lost Memory Flashback ends*

"he's gone..." I spoke unintentionally which caught Luka's attention "what?" I didn't realise I spoke until he said what, so I said "it's nothing" he was confused but hopefully he'll brush it off...

It felt like weeks that I've known him for, but it's only been 2 or maybe 3 days if I was out cold for who knows how long... "How long have I been out cold for?"he looked at me then started thinking "you've were out cold for 2 weeks and 3 days, I was starting to think that you were dead but everyday you still had the same force field around you protecting you from anything" I didn't change my facial expression but inside I told myself that it was a long dream, me dreaming of seeing my parents back alive and my frien- I never had any... why would I say friends when I didn't have any?    

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