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I hate people who wake up so refreshed and ready for the day. Mornings for me are the part of the day I dread the most, especially if I got zero sleep the night before. It almost feels like waking up with a hangover without the headache. Sometimes at least. But that's exactly how I feel this particular morning.

"Mr. Moore, you have to wake up!" Nancy yells pounding on the door of my room.

My parents hired Nancy to keep the house clean and - to my dismay - watch over me in the mornings. My parents are two of the most prestigious doctors of this town and mornings are often their busiest. But when they get home, I get an earful of things on what I'm doing wrong. I was offered a few scholarships from multiple schools who are still waiting for a decision to be made and my parents keep getting on my case about it. They say that I should be able to make decisions on my own and take my future seriously. But the thing is, I don't know what I want.

I let out a groan and slammed a pillow over my head as Nancy continues to yell through the door, wishing that she'll shut up. She's like this every morning and I'm quite tired of it. I don't see the point in her being here, I can take care of myself. Soon I realize that the obnoxious banging outside of my door stop and a satisfied grin plays on my face. I get comfortable in my bed again and try to let myself fall back asleep. It's all gets ruined when slobbery, wet licks are placed all over my skin.

"What the hell, Sparky!" I say bolting upright while trying to wipe off all of the slob. I send a glare at my white Siberian husky. He's unfazed by this and continues to sit happily in the middle of my bed, wagging his tail. I don't stay mad at him for long though; I send him a grin and rubbed his head before getting out of bed to change.

I've had him since I was in grade school when I told my parents I wanted a dog. Although he's stubborn as hell - almost like a cat - he's been my best buddy and never left my side. I don't really get to spend much time with him anymore though, since I have football to focus on.

After changing, I close my walk-in closet and headed downstairs for breakfast. "Nancy! Make me a plate of bacon and eggs," I yell, settling myself in the huge dining room. Not even a minute later, Nancy comes rushing in placing the plate in from me with a glass of water. "Already had it made," she tells me, to which I just wave my hand dismissively at her, not really caring.

I drop my fork onto my plate hearing it clatter as it touches its surface knowing that Nancy would take care of it later. After grabbing my bag from the front room, I slip into my car and headed off to school.

As the same old boring buildings of this boring town passes by, a scowl plasters onto my face. I honestly can't wait to get out of here and start my own life elsewhere. There's nothing to do here. If it weren't for my friends, Carson and Levy, this place won't be worth staying. Well at least not worth staying in this part of the town. It's depressing.

As I pull into the parking lot of the school, I send a grin to the bystanders staring with envious expressions plastered on their faces. It pays off to have the nicest car in the parking lot, including the teachers. The looks that girls give as I walk past beats the envious looks of my car, by far. And that's always a plus.

"And he's alive!" Carson greets, shaking my hand.

"We thought you were going to be no show, man" Levy adds, slapping my shoulder.

"Thought about it, " I let out with a laugh.

Signaling the start of homeroom, Carson, Levy and I start to make our way through the dispersed crowds of students. We all have the same homeroom and free period together, but senior year would be better if we had the same schedule. Making the teachers pissed and annoyed is our second nature and we never fail to do so.

"Did Coach say what we're doing at practice?" Levy questions, opening the door to our homeroom. Carson shrugs his shoulders and averts his attention to a girl sitting next to him.

"I think we're just running our plays," I answer. Our first game is coming up and I doubt coach is going to kill us just days before it.

Carson and the girl start flirting up a storm and I immediately regret my decision in sitting next to him. First Nancy and now this. This day can't get any worse.


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