Secrets Of Secrets

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Remeber to always, vote and leave a comment I would love to hear your opinion and of course follow my brother, @joshy43 he helped devolp and even write some of the chapter and he's an awesome writer please check out his books!- If you want more Harry Potter, give me a follow because I update frequently and write multiple books!-thanks for reading-Morgan x

As Hermione Granger gave her usual gentle smile of kindness to Professor Time after class was dismissed, which in her case wasn't uncommon for her to do, she enjoyed sharing a simple smile with her teachers after each lesson, she believed it would show them her appreciation for there teachings.

She made her way through the thick smog of Professor Times pipe and met with Harry and Ron in the hallway dotted with portraits.

"Would you like to join me for an early study session at the library" She posed to the two boys who were huffing after there recent lesson.

"You know what I don't get?" Ron piped up ignoring Hermione's question.

"What would that be Ron?" Chuckled Harry who was amused at his long time friend's confused expression.

"It's just the fact that she think's she is more superior to us even though we're practically the same age" He stated ;his fact as the trio pushed there way past some young first year wizards, for some reason they always seemed to linger in this one particularly spot.

"Oh hardly Ron" Hermione spoke for the first time in a while, not realising she just spoke her thoughts.

"What did you say Hermione?" Ron quizzed not quite hearing Hermione's latest words.

Before Hermione could speaks for herself she was cut off, finally at arriving at the library, which wasn't at easy task with all the pet's, wizards and the random appearances of Mr Filtch and Mrs Norris.It soon came clear however that there path was blocked, by non other than a group of 7th year Slytherins.

"Blaise, Pansy, Theodore" Harry smiled greeting the familiar group, whom just an hour earlier grappled and tosses which a furious anger at each other.

"Potter, Weasley And Granger" Pansy Snark backed.

"So you charging people galleons to now use the library? Or you going to let us by" Ron directed to Pansy but however he couldn't quite look in the eye.

"Let them in to study, besides I need you three" Stated a familiar voice which instantly gave Hermione butterflies.

She turned so non other than Draco Malfoy, she noticed however the small beads of sweat dripping there way down his temple, hurrying along his chiselled jawline before plummeting to the floor.

"Yes Boss" Blaise teased before saying excuse me to the trio, during this conformation he didn't seem that interested, perhaps his mind was elsewhere.

Soon Pansy and Theodore followed allowing Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry's famous trio into the old Library.

Hermione was instantly taken back a little from the familiar musky smell of books. Each one with its own unique covering, from the 'Book Of Monsters' to the copies of  'Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them', it brought her so much comfort, she even giggled when she noticed a Lockhart book discarded in the bin.

Finally making there way to there usual comfortable chairs, which were quite a struggle to sit on as they loved to walk away, they opened up there Dark Art's revision books and began to study.

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