Deleted Scenes! : Harry All Grown Up..again

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SURPRISE! Did I scare you? sorry, but here is a extra little something for being so awesome, if you read A Common Ground, then you'll know I also wrote a chapter for that too, and you'll have another two, next week! but that's all. Please go and check out A Common Ground and the prequel to this very book, How Time Began, click on my page and you'll find it in my works. Click that little star in the corner to leave a little love and if you want to be extra sweet , leave a comment here...always - Morgan x

He rolled back from his desk , blowing out a deep breathe. The paper work was all but staggering and his brain felt like it might implode. He raised his hands, taking off his glasses and rubbed his face, especially his exhausted eyes. He poured himself a small glass of fire-whiskey from a decanter behind his desk. He sat back up in chair, only to nearly leap put of his skin as Time sat across from him in the opposite chair.

"Blimey, you could've gave me a bloody heart attack" He said, putting back on his glasses, seeing her much clearer and placing down his half spilt drink.

"How the mighty have fallen" She mused, ignoring his last statement. He deadpanned and leaned back in his chair. "Harry Potter, the boy that lived twice only to become the man who wasted away behind a desk" She added, reaching for the glass in his hand and took away from him.

"Hey, wait a minute now-" She downed his drink before he could stop. "What do you want Time?" He sighed, frowning.

"Why are you here, not in the field, you loved being out there" She said with a smile. Clearly none of his questions for her will be answered. Harry groaned by the reminder.

"Not my bloody choice now was it?" He crossed his arms.

"Yes, actually it was, you could've went out in the field, fought the law with your bare hands, your were born for it and yet here you are..getting drunk at noon" She raised the glass and placed it back on the table. With a short pause falling between them, she added "Explain"

"Ginny is having another little one and she's worried I'm gonna end up like I was when James was born, so wrapped up in my cases than to come home and see my child walk for the first time" He retorted. Sighing he twirled the wand between his fingers.

"Does she know, how you feel really?" She wondered.

"Stop reading my mind Time, you know how much it bugs me" He raised his chin "No, she doesn't know how I really feel"

"Your dying behind that desk Harry, you need to tell her that you love being out the field, that of course your family comes first but doing what you love is very important to, believe me when I say that getting a job that is not exactly fun for the rest of your , how ever long, life is worse than death itself" She ended bitterly.

"You alright?" He leaned forward on her desk.

"Probably" She shrugged. "Now back to you, Harry you've been a position where duty comes before everything and yes what you are doing for your family is noble, but sometimes you have to be a little selfish" She stated, reaching for his hand on the desk. He leered at her.

"That's rich coming from the most selfless person I know, when is the last time you've done something for yourself?" He wondered, taking grip of her hand, but felt how it loosened and her eyes cloud over.

"Yesterday actually, I saw him again" She said with a sad smile, gazing down at the desk.

"When?" Harry asked curious.

"1976, summer"

"When he came to visit you in Scotland" Harry finished for her. Hr smile grew a little and she looked up at him.

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