An old friend.

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For the rest of the day I tried to avoid Carlos. I was scared that if he saw me, he would recognize me from the pond! Even though I was pretty sure he hadn't seen me. Someone touched my shoulder which made me jump. I turned to see a girl with a big smile standing behind me.

"Hi! I'm Charlotte! And I know your secret!" A huge lump rose in my throat. How did she know?! I tried to pretend I didn't know what she was talking about.

"Secret? What secret? I don't have a secret? I'm not a mermaid." I stammered.

Good job, Luna!

Charlotte cocked her head to the side.

"A Mermaid? What? I was talking about your hair. I know how you keep it so red!" It took me a few seconds to digest what she had just said. But when I had, I spared no time agreeing with her.

"H... how do you know? I though it was impossible to find out." I played along. Charlotte wagged her finger in front of my face.

"Nope! I'm the daughter of Belle, I know everything. You use bio-chemical dye. right?" 

A memory flashed in my mind. I knew Charlotte! She was my pen pal on land! She would send sea letters to me everyday since I was a young mer! We were best friends! Even though we had never met, I had trusted Charlotte with my not-so-secret secret. Charlotte was always talking about how much she wanted to be an explorer when she grew up. And I told her I wanted to be a musician. We both supported each other's dreams. She was one of the only true friends I had. 

"Char Char? It's me! Sea foam!" Those were the nicknames we had made for each other when we where little. Charlotte's eyes narrowed, but then her eyes widened and her whole face beamed.

"Sea foam! OMG!" We immediately hugged. "Wait. You're here? Does that mean that your a..." I nodded.


"That is......... so........ COOL! I was wondering how you were that pretty, Sea foam. Why didn't you send me a note when you got here?" Her voice was filled with excitement. I giggled.

"I didn't know you attended this school, Char. Believe me, I swear I would have if I had known." Charlotte slowly shook her head.

"Wow... Wait. So YOU where the girl with the kids from the Isle. I heard your voice while I was talking to someone in the crowd. Ben said I should introduce myself but I was not interested in talking to any villains. My brother is so trusting sometimes. I swear, it will cost him someday. But when I heard you speaking, I thought you where a kiss up then, but know, I know you're a HUGE kiss up. Remember all those times you would kiss up to my parents whenever they sent letters for me? It was SO annoying."  

Even though I knew Charlotte was joking, I couldn't help but feel offended at her comment.

"I was so not! I was just being polite. If anything YOU where the kiss up! Remnants when I broke my fin, and you sent these REALLY sentimental letters that i was sure you had copied of Of a greeting card!" Charlotte started laughing. I joined in as soon as she started hiccuping. We doubled over in laughter.

For a moment, I forgot about all my worries of coming to Aurodon, and actually laughed genuinely. Charlotte finally stopped laughing. 

"Wow. I haven't laughed like that since... well... ever!" After a few gasps for air, I finally stopped laughing. 

"Same here! Gosh it was SO nice to meet you!"

"Here comes the kiss up!" Charlotte said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. "But it was nice to meet you too." This time she sounded genuine. She pulled me in for another hug. I quickly returned it.

"Ok. So now what?" I asked when we broke the hug.

"Wanna go to the great lawn and sit with me and my other friends?" I considered this. On one hand, going on the lawn would mean seeing Carlos. And I didn't think I wanted to find out if he knew what I was or not. On the other, making friends would be fun. I thought it was time for me to have some fun at Aurodon Prep. I looked  at Charlotte.

"I'm in."

"Okay! Come on!" She grabbed me by the arm and pulled me towards the outside. Time to have fun!

~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~

I changed into my pjs as I thought about my hang out with Charlotte and her friends. I had met Lonnie, daughter of Mulan, and Jane, daughter of Fairy godmother and my roommate. Right now she was in the shower. I was slipping on my slippers when I heard  footsteps passing through the doorway. I  cautiously walked over to the door. My hands moved to the doorknob. I slowly turned the knob and opened the door ever so gently. I could see Mal and Evie sneaking out their rooms. They seemed to have been ready to go somewhere secretly because as Mal closed the door behind them, she placed a finger to her lips. Evie nodded.

I was confused. Where were they going and why were they  being so secretive about it? I turned my head back to see if Jane had come out of the bathroom. But she was still in there. Singing. Off key. I looked back outside.

But Mal and Evie had left. 

It took all my courage to step out that door. I tip toed across the hallway, making sure that no one could hear me. Mal and Evie had already reached downstairs. But I heard two other voices too. I peered over the staircase and saw who they were. Of course Carlos and Jay where with them! I looked behind me, hoping to see somebody else that could bust the four. But there was no one. Nothing. I was alone. And so was my decision.

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