The calm before the Storm

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I was quietly sitting in my bed, drying my hair off, when I heard an insane amount of knocks on my door.

"Whoever you are, you're paying for that door if you break it!" I heard the person laugh before opening the door slowly.

"Don't worry! I would." I rushed into my moms arms and started sobbing. "Oh, come now! This isn't like you Luna!" She whispered while stroking my still wet head. "I see you've been stress swimming again." She smiled.

"How did you know it was stress?"

"Because you're balling in my arms right now" she chuckled. I let out a tiny smile.

"I don't mean to. Everything's so hard." I said as I sat back down on my bed. Mom nodded.

"Yeah. That was some family day!" She giggled sitting next to me. But her smile faded when she saw my sad expression. "What's wrong, honey?" She asked concerned. I dramatically stood up.

"It's him! He's so complicated! I'm trying to help him, and he was listening for just about a second before his big meaty friend swooped in and took him away. And NOW because of that stunt Audrey's grandmother pulled, him and his friends will NEVER consider staying here! Gosh, and I was SO close to getting him to stay with me..." I hadn't realized I had started crying again.

Mom stuck her lips out in thought then stood up. "Could it be that my Seafoam is growing up and falling in love?" She asked curiously. I turned around and faced her.

"No! I don't love Carlos! I just don't want to see him so hurt..." I was sounding less and less believable by the second but it honestly wasn't my fault. Whenever I got serious about something it was no use to try and stop me from getting emotional. 

Mother shook her head. "That's love all right. But we have no time to discuss that right now. You look like a mess!" She giggled, rushing over to my closet. "Why don't we try and find you something more suitable!" 

I turned around to face my mirror. My face was stained with tears and mascara. My long, red hair was wet and stringy. Not to mention my wet and ripped up dress. I turned back to mother.

"You're right! I look worse than a sea slug!" Mother layed out clothes that she had chosen on my bed.

"These are perfect!" She happily exclaimed. Sometimes she felt more like my sister than my mother.

 Sometimes she felt more like my sister than my mother

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I sighed. "Really Mom?" My mom stuck her nose in the air.

"Like I said, it's perfect!" She turned her gaze back to me and smiled. "Now, put it on!"

Five minutes later I was wearing what my mom had chosen.

"Happy now?" I grumped. My mother excitedly clapped her hands and nodded. Her gaze shifted from me to something behind me. I followed it to where she was staring at.

"Wow. You look just like your mother, Luna." My father stated. I smiled.

"Thanks dad. Look, you guys have some catching up to do, so I'll stay out of your way..." I was about to turn to leave when mother grabbed my shoulder gently.

"I think we ALL need to catch up." She said solemnly. I turned to look at dad. He had the same expression.

"Um. Ok...." I sat down on my bed, in between mother and father. A place where I always wished I could be. "'s going great." Mom and dad laughed at my joke, making me feel warm inside.

"Mine too." Said dad

"And mine!" Mom added. I smiled.

"Um, dad?" Dad stopped laughing and turned to look at me.

"Yes dear?"

"Since I have my legs. Do you think me and Mom could come live with you?" Mom and dad exchanged looks of curiosity.

"Well um, dear. If your mother agrees, I'm sure we could arrange that." He smiled. Mom nodded.

"That's all I've wanted for years! You and Melody could grow up together." At the mention of Melody's name, my heart sunk.

"Wouldn't that be wonderful?" Father beamed. I nodded.

"Yeah! It would be.......great!" I said in a fake attempt to be cheerful.

Just then, a knock on the door interrupted our conversation. Jane walked in panting and sweating.

"Mal took away my beautiful locks and replaced them with my old hair!" She sobbed. I face palmed. It wasn't really  a surprise. As of late, Jane had started hanging out with Audrey and Melody. "Now, how am I supposed to go to coronation?" She wailed before slamming the door behind her and running into the bathroom. 

Mom and dad were stunned into silence. 

"Um honey? Maybe we should leave Luna here with her friend. We can discuss our plans later." Dad said. Mom nodded and turned her gaze to me.

"See you beauty! We'll talk about this later." She kissed my forehead and then took dads hand. "Shall we?"

"We shall. I'll talk to you later Luna." I nodded.

"Bye. Love you."

"Love you. " they called back. I shut the door lightly and sighed. It was almost time for coronation. Which meant it was almost time for the VKs to steal the wand. But I was NOT letting that happen.

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