Uncertain future.

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The scales were gone now. After a quick dip into the water the disapered. 

I went back to the dorm before sunrise. I tiptoed past Jane's bed and jumped on mine. I let the covers relieve me. Tomorrow was another day.

~~~~~~~~Next morning first class~~~~~~~~

Before I walked into my nature  class, I made sure to look at my outfit in the mirror.

Before I walked into my nature  class, I made sure to look at my outfit in the mirror

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I didn't look too bad. I sighed as I pushed open the doors to my first class. I immediately spotted a familiar face at the front desk. 

Carlos. He was sitting next to a grimacing Audrey. I rolled my eyes and gripped onto the straps of my backpack harder. Wouldn't want him to try and steal it to.

"Luna!" I was snapped out of my thoughts by the call of a skinny pretty lady with a thick scottish accent. Her hair was a little more orange than mine and she had bright blue eyes. She smiled at me. I smiled back. She didn't look like any other teacher I had known. Her fire red hair was curly and fell to her back. She wore a sleeveless red and black checkered shirt with ripped knee length  denim shorts that had to be against dress code for teachers. She had a snake tattoo on her left arm and had freckles that dusted lightly on her cheeks and nose. She HAD to be an assistant teacher. 

"You will be sitting behind Mr. De'Vile." Her accent was intimidating but reassuring. I nodded and  quickly rushed to grab a seat behind Carlos. I also noticed most boys in the class where drooling over our teacher's chest  and I think she noticed too because she would cross her eyes and stick out her tounge  at any boy she caught staring. Which made me giggle. 

"Okay class good morning, I am your teacher ms. Dumbrock, but you lot can call me Merida. I might look young for this job but it was either this or Queen. What would you pick?" The whole class chuckled. Ms. Dumb- Merida smirked. "Ya exactly. Okay so let's talk about nature!" The class seemed to drift by after that. Merida was a fun teacher. I wish I was like her. She didn't seem scared of anything. She was about to finish her story about accidentally turning her mom into a bear, when the bell rang.

"Okay. Come back tomorrow for the rest!" She called out as students filed out to go to P2. I was bumped into by Charlotte.

"Hey Seafoam! Wasn't that great? Merida is my new favorite teacher!" I nodded at her enthusiasm.

"I know, right?"

"Hey, What's your next class?" She asked. I thought for a second.

"Legacy building, you?"

"Math." I chuckled. "Why do you get the good class? I heard Mr. Sebastian teaches that class..." Charlotte whines. My heart perked up.

"Really!?" I squealed. Charlotte nodded.

"Oh I forgot he was your uncle, lucky." She pouted. I rolled my eyes.

"I am not! But this is great! I better hurry then!" I hugged Charlotte before bouncing of to Legacy Building. I saw Carlos and his friends, (Mal, Evie, and Jay) whispering at their lockers. I tried best I could not to eavesdrop but that was NOT going to happen.

"Jane is going to try and convince FG to break out the old wand. If she can we can grab it and go." Mal was saying.

"What if she can't though?" Evie asked. Mal rolled her eyes.

"What do you mean "what if?" She wil." Jay said.

"Now Jay, you don't know that she will. That's just a technicality of the future. We need a plan C." Carlos finally spoke up with pride. I shuddered at them all. How could they do this? Aurodon was giving them a chance and they where just throwing it away. 

"Carlos's right. We can figure that out later though. We need to get to class so we don't raise suspicions." Mal said. I pretended to stop  listening when Carlos looked over at me. He looked like he wouldn't hurt a fly. But I knew what a lie that was. His forehead wrinkled and I turned to walk away. I had to keep my guard up with these people. They where dangerous and I couldn't get on their bad sides. I was just about to get to P2,(cause I was probably late) when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

It was Carlos.

"I don't want to talk to you."'I sneered at him.

"Well I do. Meet me at the stables at 5:00 pm tonight and I'll explain everything. But you have to trust me." He said seriously.

  I looked into is brown soleful eyes and for a moment I forgot that he was a villain kid. I forgot that he and his friends were going to destroy Aurodon. Most of all, I forgot that I was supposed to not like him at all. But at that moment, he made me feel safe and secure. Head over heels in love. But soon the moment was gone, and I was scowling at him like he was something nasty under my shoe.

"Fine." I spat and pulled my arm away from him. He looked hurt but I wouldn't care. I couldn't

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