Charlottes got a crush!

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I tried my best to avoid Carlos the next day but it was near impossible. In Merida's class, I caught him starring at me from across the room while I was sharpening my pencil. I blushed when he winked at me.

"Ay', Luna, looks like your pencil is sharp enough, huh?" Merida called from across the room. Her eyes showed that it wasn't a question. I nodded and scurried back to my seat.

Carlos turned around and I was faced with his beautiful eyes and smile.

"Hey..." He mumbled. I could feel my face redden. 


"Okay class! Let's talk about the bare basics of nature." Merida boomed. A girl I hadn't seen before raised her hand. "Yes?"

"Weren't we supposed to finish the bear story?" She whispered. Her voice was light and feathery. Merida nodded. 

"Ah, right! Thank you, Amellia." Amellia smiled. "Okay then, everybody grab a chair and lean in." Everyone obeyed. Especially the girl. "Right so where was I ?" 

My emotions jumped at every line of the story. My pulse was racing. Just then, A crisp note Slipped onto my lap. I picked it up and read it slowly

We need to talk :/


My head spun. I glanced over to where Carlos was nodding along to Merida's story. But I could tell he could see me staring because he ever so subtly pointed his index finger in my direction. I turned back to Merida. We were now at the point where her father and his troupes where going to kill the bear (her mother). But strangley enough, I couldn't care less.


I looked everywhere for Charlotte but instead I was bumped into by a blond boy an inch shorter than me.

"Whoops! Sorry, I didn't see you there!" I shrugged.

"Things happen. Have you seen Charlotte  Florain?" I asked. The boy thought.

"Yeah! She's with my sister, Richie. They're by the fountain." He posted past me. I nodded.

"Thanks! Btw, what's your name?" The boy smiled.

"I'm Chase. Rupunzel's son. Richie is my twin." He said. I smiled back.

"Cool. Well thanks for helping me! Bye." I turned around and sprinted to the fountain. Sure enough, Charlotte was giving Richie advice about natural remedies for the skin.

"Coccunut oil really helps the flow! Trust me! I use it everyday." She was saying while Richie ferousiously scribbled the notes down in her notebook. I casually walked up to them.

"Hey guys! Whatcha up to?" I asked. Richie looked up from her notes and gave me a shy smile.

"Charlotte was telling me about things I can add to my skin that aren't nature harming." Her voice was a quiet hum. It felt nice to hear her talk. I looked to Charlotte.

"Did you tell her about the dead fish skin?" I asked. Charlotte got this faraway look in her eyes.

"No! I totally forgot that!" She turned to look at Richie. "That's also really helpful!"Richie nodded  but  still not seeming to understand. 

"Woah." She said in awe. Charlotte cocked her head in confusion.

"What is it?" She asked. Richie pointed to behind Charlotte which made us all look. A boy with olive skin and the brownest eyes with muscles like rocks seemed to be walking in slow motion towards us. Or that was probably just part of my imagination. He smoothed back his hair as he walked. Charlotte sighed lovingly. Richie's body went limp against the picnic bench. I slumped to the ground.

"Shade..." Richie and Charlotte sighed. Dang! No wonder Charlotte was so obsessed with him. He was a walking god. As he neared us, I noticed my friends started fussing with their hair and outfits. I quickly stood up and regained my posture. 

"Another girl falling for me." He said when he had reached us. I blushed furiously. "That's okay. I'm super cute." He winked at me and I thought I would fall down again. Charlotte made this little moan which made Shane and me look over at her. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. She had placed herself in such a position that it looked like anyone could just crawl on top off her. She had unbuttoned the first button on her shirt and made her hair fall across her eyes. She looked way more sexy than innocent and cute like Richie did. Whose head was perched lazily on her hand. Shade smirked.

"Looks like several." He joked. I looked down at his combat boots. They where shined and glowing. 

"But it seems like your're enjoying the fans." Another girl had come from behind Shade. She was blonde like Richie, but didn't have the same curly hair. Shade visibly lost his cool.

"Gosh Cindy, why don't you go look for shoes." He snarled. Cindy punched his arm in a way that must have hurt. Charlotte immediately fixed herself. I had to let myself chuckle. Cindy suddenly turned her attention to me.

"Oh, your're Ariel's kid. My brother hates you because Audrey hates you, but your're lucky because I hate my brother." She must have been talking about Chad. They looked quite alike. I squirmed when she began circling me. Richie sighed.

"Cinders give her a break. She's not like the rest of us. Hopelessly in love with your ex." She breathed out which made Shade cast her a smirk. Cindy hit him again.

"Stop that!" He grumbled angrily. 

"When you stop being a dick!"

"No foul language please." I spoke up without intending to. Everyone looked at me . Charlotte looked sorry for me.

"Excuse me, how old are you?" Cindy asked, a hand on her skinny hip. I shrunk back. 

"That shouldn't matter. I'm old enough to know when to bring the word 'dick' into a sentence." I muttered bravely. I was afraid Cindy was going to hit me when Charlotte spoke up.

"I agree!" She said, standing beside me now. Richie nodded. Cindy sighed.

"Fine! I'm so sorry!" She said in a mock apology. I rolled my eyes but didn't answer. "But don't fall for old Shade over here. He's a tricky one." She said waving a finger in front of Shade's face. Shade pushed her finger away.

"Well that's a surprise coming out of you Cindy, considering your last relationship lasted an hour." Shade replied matter-of factly. Cindy's face flushed with anger. Charlotte stifled a giggle. Richie looked elsewhere. I continued to stare at my toes, but Shade met Cindy's eyes. 

"Shut...UP!" Cindy screeched with a shove towards Shade. Shade stumbled in laughter. I myself had to look around to stop from laughing. Cindy angrily stormed off, leaving the rest of us to laugh. 

"OMFGM, She was totally a tomato!" Charlotte hiccuped. Richie nodded in agreement. Shade shook his head and chuckled. But I was still fixed on something.

"You two used to date?" I asked shyly. The laughing stopped and the girls turned to Shade, eager to see if he would lie. He nodded slowly. I fought the urge to blush.

"But it's over now." He said quickly in Charlotte's direction. Richie noticed and silently sulked while I gave a smirk to Charlotte. She was fighting her own smile too. Shade composed himself quickly.

"Whatever. I gotta get to class. But it was cool meeting you girls." He cast a final look at Charlotte before walking off. When he was gone, Charlotte jumped off the table and did what I could only say was a happy dance.

"He obviously likes me!" She squealed. Richie picked up her books and trotted of. Charlotte didn't seem to notice. "I'm so going with that crop tomorrow." She said more to herself than me. I rolled my eyes.

"Dude, that thing goes way past your belly button!" I joked. Charlotte batted me away like a fly.

"So? I've been working out." To that I laughed outright. "Let's get to class. Maybe Shade will be there." I said while picking up my backpack. But Charlotte was already scuttling off to the front gates.

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