25. Hail the Queen

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Chapter 25

            I hear a sickening crack that rings through the air when  the car makes impact.

            Hitting the ground hard, my body rolling, I see black spots in my vision as the different sounds of screeching tires and screaming reaches my ears.

            There’s a flash of red as the car guns it, turning around in front of my to flee the scene but even with my spinning head, I can feel the heavy feeling of recognition settling in my heart.

            Everything in my body ached-confusion as to what just happened clouding everything as I roll onto my elbows, propping myself off the ground.

            I remember one thing in my mind, Coda’s pained face etched into my mind as I try to recall at what point the car came out of no where.


            Looking up and searching the crowd for his familiar face, I falter slightly when I notice the body lying on the ground a few feet away from me.

            The man is face down, his cheek pressed against the asphalt, his dark hair mussed and teased into effortless bed hair. His blue hoodie is one that I am all too familiar with, his scent permanently infused with the fabric, the same smell I’d fallen asleep to many times-

            There’s a long moment in which I can feel my heart plummeting into the pit of my stomach, my voice lodging in my throat as I stare at him.


            Everything is as still as him as I stare at Coda’s limp body, my palm pressed firmly against the ground, feet away from him.

            -and then the sound of a snap replays in my head again, that single most terrifying sound that comes from a clean break- the sound that was too loud to be from minimal damage- the sound that my heart was resting solely upon at the moment.

            “Coda,” I manage to say through stiff lips, my fingers digging into the rough asphalt.

            We have gotten into countless fights-many of them ending in me calling back for him-parts of me still furious and wanting him to leave, but the stronger part of me begging him to stay-

            But there’s never been a time when he’s never come back-

            “Coda,” I say again, louder.

            He doesn’t respond, his back to me.

            This time there’s no tick in his clenched jaw or the continuous action of folding and unfolding his fingers as he debates whether or not to turn around and not leave.

            This time, he’s still. Like the decision to not stay has already been made.


            There’s a funneling sound of air rushing through my ears as I feel hands all over me, people screaming my name, people screaming out orders-

            Everything comes back into motion from a standstill, flurrying around me-everything, but him.

            I stretch my hand further, reaching for him, much in the same way Orpheus did to Eurydice in an attempt to clasp her hands and be clasped.

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