Chapter 8- The Tanks

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Varian held up the lantern higher, "if my dad knew I was down here , he'd kill me, but if he knew what I was really doing he'd be impressed- or at least I hope he'd be." Eugene rolled his eyes and everyone looked up to the tank, "these tunnels run through my entire village, which makes them perfect for my project." Eugene nervously glances to varian, "what project?" Varian ran over to his desk he'd set up, "this project!" Eugene blinked, "I don't get it." Varian chuckled, "through the miracle of alchemy- NOT magic- I have found a way to heat this entire tank of water with my newest, yet to be named compound, which I'll call Flynnolium!" Varian grinned excited as Eugene still stared back confused, "I still don't get it." Varian rolled his eyes, "I'm gonna surprise my village by bringing the people hot, running water! I've constructed five of these babies all throughout the caverns!" (Y/n) lowered her gaze. She had to admit, it seemed pretty ridiculous to imagine and could be dangerous. Eugene had the same idea, "wait- these, these tremors.. your machines are causing them?" Varian nervously shifted, "no, no, no, my machines are not causing them. The chemical reactions they trigger do!" Eugene crosses his arms, "And no one else knows you're doing this? Okay, listen, kiddo.
I'm no expert in whatever this is, but anything that can cause earthquakes cannot be safe.
We've gotta warn people about this!" Varian widened his eyes in surprise and begged, "No! We can't! Okay? You gave me your word you'd keep this secret! And besides, I'm an expert, this is all perfectly safe!" Suddenly a bolt flew out of the machine. (Y/n) shrieked, "watch out!" Varian quickly moved out of the way and gazed back nervously, " does that all the time." (Y/n) groaned and shook her head. He was a nutcase sometimes.
The ground trembled. Buildings fell. People screamed as their homes were destroyed before them. Inside a pipe were Varian and Cassandra. After an accident, the tanks exploded and destroyed Old Corona. Cassandra pulled Varian out. He sighed deeply, "thank you..milady." He grinned and Cassandra groaned rudely. Suddenly, a gruff man appeared calling out for Varian. When he spotted him in the pipe, Varian muttered under his breath.
(Y/n) coughed. She breathed in the dust from the broken house that laid around her. She wheezed as it filled her lungs and burned her eyes. She tried blinking it out, but it wouldn't come out. Sighing, she tried to heave herself out. She fell back to the ground as something held her bottom body down. A large piece of wood was stuck on her leg. She tugged, but it refused to come loose. Suddenly, her vision became blurry as she drifted off into darkness.
------Varian ran across the debris, "(y/n)!" His dad followed as they searched for her. They couldn't find her, until someone pointed her out. Varian shrieked as he saw her very limp body bleeding, and her leg caught. Quirin tugged off the debris and picked her up. As he walked out, he shot an angry glare at Varian, who was taken back by it. It wasn't like he meant for all of this to happen. Sighing, he followed his dad to their broken house. Luckily, varian's room wasn't too messed up to where (y/n) could comfortably sleep. Laying her down, he sighed. Closing the door, he angrily turned to Varian, "son, this whole alchemy thing is over. I'm taking all your stuff because obviously you don't know when it's time to stop!" Varian shrieked, "I was trying to do good for the village! Why can't you see that!" Quirin scowled angrily and held his hand out next to the window, "look outside! Does this look good for the village? Go to your room, and don't come out, no dinner tonight." Quirin slammed the door as he walked outside to help people. Varian scowled after him and walked up to his room. He shut the door and laid down next to (y/n). He cuddled next to her, sighing before drifting off to the same place as her.

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