Chapter 3

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My phone started vibrating on the table. I groaned and tried to grab it but something was weighing me down. I slowly opened my eyes to see Eugene fast asleep. I had forgotten that Eugene had brought me here last night. How can a person look this good while sleeping? I gentle moved the strands of hair that was blocking his eyes. I tired to wiggle out of his grip but his grip just tighten around my waist. "Genny.. Genny wake up" I flicked his nose and of course he flicked me back like usual. "Genny get off me I need to get my phone". "You can get it later, let's just keep cuddling" he mumbled in a sleepy voice. I looked down at the sheets and smirked "Wow Eugene your boner is bigger than yesterday". "Glad you finally notice" he opened his eyes and smirked. I looked at him with disgust before I managed to push him off the bed.

I hurried off the bed and took a look at my phone. "Shit.." I mumbled. "What happened?" he had finally got off from the floor and walked towards me. "Shit shit shit shit" I jumped off the bed desperately looking for my clothes. "Fay calm down! What happened, why are you so worried?" he grabbed me by my shoulders to stop me from moving. "52 miss calls from my mother. 52! That's a new a new record" I pushed past him picking up my clothes and started stripping. "And..". "And she is going to murder me, I forgot I had a shoot this morning and I can't even wear these fucking shorts " I dropped to the ground trying to taking deep breaths but I couldn't breathe "I'm... so... screwed". "Fay calm down your having a panic attack, just look at me and take deep breathes " he explained calmly.

There was a knock on the door. "Eugene is everything ok?" Eugene's mum. "yeah Faith's with me. We'll be done in a sec" he answered his eyes never leaving me. "Alright both of you hurry up breakfast is nearly ready"

Eugene rubbed my back slowly. I gradually started to calm down, I closed my eyes trying not to let the tears spill. "Come here". I opened my eyes and went closer to Eugene as he trapped me in his embrace. We stayed like this for some time before I mumbled "they said I was too black so I told them to fuck off and was about to leave but my fucking mother stopped me and made me apologise. I tried to tell her what they said but she.. " I had to stop before I start to cry even more. "I think your perfect and all of them are dicks especially your mum.." he whispered. I didn't answer him but I nodded "let's go breakfast is probably ready and I think mum is making pancakes, I can sense it" I laughed quietly before I got up looking for something else to wear. Eugene handed me my jeans and his hoodie since I wasn't going down wearing the clothes I came with.

Eugene, Grace and Drake had always been there for me when I had my panic attacks. It was always because of the stress my mother put me through. The first time I had it the four of us were together. It was something about my mother trying to make me do a nude photo shoot and of course I didn't want to do it, I was fucking 15 for christ sake. I couldn't breathe and dropped to the floor hitting my head on the way. They all rushed towards me trying to get me to speak but I couldn't. It felt like somebody was sitting on the chest getting rid of all the air in my lungs. There was no adult in the house which made it even worse. They somehow managed to calmed me down.

"Yeah Faith is with me" I turned around to see Eugene with my phone. I knew the only person he would be talking to is my mother. "she had a panic attack and she is staying for breakfast. I'll have her there by 4 or something" he answered in a serious tone. " I don't care if you need her for a shoot. She needs a break and maybe you should act like a mother for once in your life" he ended the call and looked at me. "You better hurry before the pancakes get cold".

We went downstairs to meet Eugene's mum making pancakes. "Morning Faith" she placed my plate of pancakes in front of me. "Morning Miss Johnson..I mean Angela" I looked up from my plate to see Angela shaking her head "at least you fixed your mistake" she gave Eugene his plate that had 6 pancakes. "Force of habit" I admitted. Angela hated it when I called her by her surname, she says it makes her feel "old". I checked my phone and saw that Grace texted.

Grace- you guys want to meet for lunch?

Me- what time?

Grace- 1pm sound good?

Drake- little cafe beside the book store

Me- I'm at Genny's house now both of us will see you soon

Drake- what happened?

Me- explain later

Grace- see you there then

"We are meeting Grace and Drake at the little cafe" I took a bite of the pancakes. Fucking amazing. He gave me a thumbs up as he dumped way too much syrup on the pancakes. "Eugene that's actually disgusting, you always add too much. Your not even eating pancakes anymore, your just drinking the syrup". He lifted an eyebrow and shrugged ignoring me.

"Faith what a surprise" Roger was standing behind my chair. I jumped up and basically attacked him with a hug. " Shit Faith I didn't know you were this strong" he said hugging me tighter, his hands went lower just above my ass but I ignored it. I laughed before punching him in the arm. He laughed it off and sat beside me. "so how's the modelling gig going?" "Meh" I shrugged. I looked over to Eugene to see that he looked tensed. "You ok Genny?" he smiled before giving a quick death glare at Roger. What was that about?

"Want to join us for lunch Roger?"I asked passing him the syrup." Can't. I'm leaving today, maybe another time" He placed his hand on my lap and squeeze it. I laughed nervously and moved his hand away "Dammit wish you could come".

Hours later

"YOU GAVE HIM A WHAT! " Grace yelled. People around us started to stare at us. "Graceee please stop yelling, everyone is looking" I said kicking her under the table. Grace and Drake looked at each other before they bursted out laughing. "How did you think it was his wallet?!" Drake said between laughs. "Or even god damn sweets" Grace joined in. "I told you we shouldn't tell them" I muttered to Eugene but Eugene was laughing with them. "you guys are mean" but I eventually started laughing with them. "Ok but seriously what happened between you and your mother?" Drake said as he wiped his fake tears away. I started to explain the events that happened to them ".. Then she made me apologise so I called Genny and spent the night with him" I sighed taking a sip of my milkshake. "I swear your mother is fucking awful" Grace said stealing one of Drake's chips. The boys both nodded in agreement. "Cheers to that" Drake lifted up his milkshake and we copied his action.

"It's nearly 2pm I should get going now.." I tried to get up but Grace stopped me "Just stay for some time, besides you need a break" she stole another one of Drake's chips. "Come on Fay just for another 10 minutes" Drake pleaded, slapping Grace hands away from his food. "Only more 10 minutes then I'm going". They all nodded and continued to eat their food. I slowly sat down and continued sipping my milkshake.

Boy was I wrong...

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