Chapter 4

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"Where the hell have you been? Do you know how important that shoot was, the amount of money we could have gotten?". I eyed my mother as she circled around me. Her hair was in a tight bun, she was wearing one of her many designer dresses. Her Jimmy Choos heels and her diamond earrings sparkled, as she eyed me up and down. I rolled my eyes before pushing past her to go to my room when she grabbed my hair and dragging me to the living room. "What the fuck let go me!" I yelled trying remove her hands from my hair but she just pulled even harder. "You were supposed to be there at 11am sharp but you decide to come back home at 6:30pm!" she let go of my hair pushing me to the floor.

"Did you not hear what Eugene said? I had a fucking panic attack because I saw 52 missed calls from you! Well done on setting a new record" I slowly got up, attempted to walk away while massaging my scalp . "No cursing in my house and I am not done speaking to you!" she pushed me back down to the floor. I held in my tears, not wanting to give her the satisfaction to see me cry. "Eugene this.. Eugene that, oh he's probably only using you for money or to fuck you. All of your little friends are just fake people just using you to get our money". I looked up at her in shock, I managed to get on my feet without falling over. "Eugene would never do that to me, all of them have been there for me when you weren't" I ran out the house as tears started running down my face. "Faith come here this instant". I ignored her and kept on running. I soon realised I had ran to Grace's house which was only a few minutes away from mine.

Out of breath I walked up to door and rang the door bell. I waited a couple of minutes wondering if she was still at home. Before I could walk away the door swung open and there was Grace standing in front of me with her booty shorts and tank top while holding a bowl of popcorn. She pulled me in with her free hand kicking the door closed. "Come help me make more popcorn" she skipped off into the kitchen. "Well hello to you too " I dragged my feet to the kitchen and plopped myself on a chair.

She handed me a beer before putting the popcorn in the microwave. I gladly took it enjoying the cold beer go down my throat. She gave me a look, placing the popcorn between us. "What did your mother do this time?" she threw some popcorn in the air trying to catch it but failing miserably. "Nothing much why?" I answered a bit too quickly. "Well first of all it's only 7pm and we planned to have the pizza party at 8pm plus your eyes are super red" she gave me a small smile putting her hair long wavy brown hair into a messy bun. "I guess I don't feel like talking about it. I just want to forget it ever happened" I shrugged. She nodded and gave me a big smile "Let's go get you some clothes to wear and when the boys come over.. " she raised her eyebrow as her signature evil smile was plastered on her face "We pluck their eyebrows, put on a peel off mask and do their hair?" I threw some popcorn in the air and caught almost all of them. "I swear you know me so well" she wiped away a fake tear as she dragged me up to her room.


"I got it, I got it" I yelled rushing down the stairs. "I wasn't going to get it anyway" I rolled my eyes before swinging the door open to meet my two best friends. Drake's hair was slightly messed up, he still had his lip and ear piercing that he got last summer in. He was wearing a robe with the fluffy bunny slippers I got him for his birthday which if I might add, he said he would never wear it but anytime I come to his house he always has it on. I looked at Eugene who was wearing a black beanie with his sweatpants. Both of them had their bags on their back.

"Come on in!" I grabbed both their hands and pulled them in giggling. They gave each other a puzzled look before Drake asked "Have you been drinking?". "Yeah but only a little enough questions and comeee with me". "That's what she said to me last night" Drake said giving me his dashing smile. I slapped him on the shoulder as I sprinted up to Grace's room tripping on the way up. I jumped on the bed giggling "they're coming" I whispered. She gave me a thumbs up before she started giggling with me. Okay maybe we had a little bit too much to drink but it would be fine.

They both took a look around the room. There were beer bottles scattered on the carpet, pringles cans all over the tables and popcorn all over the bed.

Grace's room was pretty girly if you ask me. Like she isn't a girly girl, well not anymore. When she was younger her favourite colours was pink and purple, from when she was 6 to 10 she has had either a princess themed party or a barbie themed party every year. Have you watched Sharpay's Fabulous Adventures? Her room was basically like that but bigger. Then as she got older she started to grow out of the pink phase and began hating pink

It was actually quite enjoyable to watch her complain how her mum won't let her change anything about her room. So Grace being the amazing talented artist she is, used this as an advantage and did her all her paintings on her walls. Now everywhere you look it has a different painting. 

"God how long have you been drinking?" Eugene said picking up some of the empty bottles placing them on the side table. "Yeah how could you drink...without me!?" Drake jumped on the bed grabbing my bottle chugging the remainder of the beer. Grace and I started laughing watching Drake chug the beer. "I'll order the pizza and put on a movie "

"Mean girls!" Grace and I screamed. The boys groaned "We always watch that and it's so fucking boring" Drake opened another beer passing it to Eugene. "Oh shut up you love it. Mean girls is the best movie ever.. Do you know they might be releasing Mean girls the reunion?" Grace put the DVD in as she got comfortable on the bed. "Wait really?" Eugene said clearly hiding his excitement. Grace and I shrugged before we started paying attention to the movie.

Drake and Eugene can deny it all they want but we all know they love Mean girls more than us.


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