Chapter 10

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"Ow Fay stop pulling my hair so much" Grace whined. "I'm almost done just stay still" I said finishing off one Grace's French braids. She wanted her hair to be curly so that she can try to seduce Drake or something like that, to be honest I don't know anymore. "Hey why were you and Drake together for lunch today? I thought he had work today" I brushed the other side of her hair. "His manager said he could go home early, Eugene was busy so he came over to mine. I was baking some cupcakes for Holly's bake sale and Drake thought it would be a idea to have a food fight. Faith your pulling my hair too hard" She pushed my hands away and massaged her head.

"Shut up you've ruined my braid. Now continue your story" I flicked her hand away and started again. "Bitch.. But anyway he somehow got flour and milk on my hair and it started to stick together. I went to the bathroom to wash it out but I couldn't see what I was doing. I think that was when you called him". "Hmm hmm" I hummed as I took a bobby pin out of my mouth. "So I sat in the bath in my sports bra and shorts as he washed my hair. It was nice till we got into a water fight. We had to clean the whole house after that" I laughed imagining how fun that would have been.

"So what's your boy drama about?" she asked curiously. "You know Alex Gomez?" she nodded as I put a hair tie on the end of the braid. "Yeah well he works with me now. When we were outside he kept asking me if I had a boyfriend" she spun around mouth wide open in shock. "Shut the fuck up! You met Alex McDreamy?" I pushed her aside and sat on the bean bag. "And that's not it. We were in the elevator and he...never mind" I shook my head hoping she would forget it. "What did he do? Spit it out Fay".

I told her about the elevator incident, how I found out he's my mentor, the way he kept looking at me during the tour and when he promised to kiss me next time. "Faith please tell me your joking. He actually said all that?" Grace said taking the cookie dough ice cream out of the freezer. "Yeah and he said next time I'll aim for your lips. Next time Grace, there's going to be a next time" I got spoons and bowls for the both of us. We headed to the living room to watch something on Netflix.

"Faith I think he likes you". "No I don't think so besides he's my mentor, it will be weird if I date my mentor" I turned on the TV and went to Netflix. "He's only your mentor for a week after that he can be your lover" she pouted her lips making a bunch of kissing sounds. "Shut up and let's watch this movie"


My whole week has just been busy. Helping Grace cope with her feelings about Drake, multiple photoshoot, flirting with Alex a bit, making new friends. This whole week has been stressful yet enjoyable.

"Hey do you guys want to go grab lunch?" Nick asked as we finished our last photo shoot of the day. We all agreed and decided to walk to the nearby Burger King when Beatrice interrupted "I am not walking there we might as well just take our cars" Beatrice said acting as if it was the most obvious idea. "It's literally only a 10 minute walk, you'll survive" Maya said trying not to roll her eyes. "I'm wearing heels and it's going to be hard to walk in them" she frowned pointing at her shoes. I looked at her from head to tie. She was wearing a white lace blouse with blue jeans, she had diamond stud earrings that matched her silver heals.

"Do we have to walk?" Beatrice whined. "I think it's a lovely day for a walk. Mind if I join you?" Alex said. He was wearing a dark blue t-shirt, black rip jeans with black runners. His hair was slightly messed up and he was wearing his signature smile. Beatrice was the first to speak up "We're only going to Burger King but if you would like to join you can" she fluttered her long eyelashes "Shall we then?"

20 minutes later all of us sat at a round table Maya to my left Alex to my right and Beatrice sat beside him as well. We talked and laughed enjoying the burgers and chips when Alex tapped me on my leg. I raised my eyebrow wonder why he's interrupting me while I'm eating. "Can we talk? In private? " his eyes flickered at the door and back to me. I nodded and followed him outside.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked stretching slightly. "I want to know if you would like to go out with me?" he looked me straight in the eye as he nervously messed with his watch. "Oh so like the whole group? Maybe we can all go bowling?" I replied excitedly. He chucked before he moved a bit closer to me "I meant as a date. Just you and me, nobody else". If I had a drink I would had spat it out already. "But your my mentor and won't it be weird if I go on a date my mentor? " I replied quickly looking anywhere but his face.

He lifted my chin up forcing me to look at him "Look Faith, I was only supposed to be your mentor for a week, the week is now over so I can go on a date with you if I want to. I don't care if anybody thinks it's weird. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6pm" he walked back inside before he turned to me. "Oh yeah make sure you wear something nice" he winked at me before walking back to the group. Still a bit shocked and excited from what happened I walked back in slowly and sat beside Maya. She nudged me wanting to know what happen. I ignored her and continued to eat my burger.

After we finished having lunch we all headed back home and Maya offered to drop me home. "So what did McDreamy say?" she asked keeping her eyes on the road. I already told her everything that was going on between Alex and I. "Nothing much" I replied a bit too quickly. "Faith I will stop this car and force it out of you. Come on what did he say?" she said. "He asked me to go out on a date with him tomorrow. Turn left". "Really? Wow I didn't expect him to ask you out so soon" Maya said adjusting her hair in the mirror. "What do you mean? Go straight then turn left". "I don't know just didn't think he had it in him" she mumbled. "Here we are thanks for the ride" I said grabbing my bag from the back seat. "Shit your place is huge" she said staring at my house with awe. "Want to come in?" I asked getting out of the car. She looked at the house and back at me "Emm.. no thanks I have somewhere to be right and I can't be late. Maybe next time" she gave me a small smile before she drove off.

I got out my keys and opened the double black doors entering the house. "Honey I'm home" I said walking into the living room but wasn't surprised that she wasn't there. I walked into the dinning room and on top of the grand marble table was an envelope with my name on it. "Mum are you here? ". Silence. I carefully opened the envelope and started scanning through the letter.

I'm going on holidays with Tim (the tan one from the gym). He's going to show me around Spain. I'll be gone for maybe a week? A month? I'm not sure yet. Your card is taped to the fridge so you can use it to buy food and other stuff. Don't mess up any of your photoshoots cause I don't have time to fix your shit.


I rolled my eyes and wandered into the kitchen. I took my card off the fridge and stuffed it in my pocket. I opened the fridge to see what I could make for dinner. "Chicken curry it is then" I dumped all the ingredients and started cooking. 30 minutes later I had finished cooking the curry and the rice but I didn't feel like eating just yet. I went to the library to read a new book. Yes we have a library we also have a gaming room, a gym, yoga room and about 5 guest bedrooms.

I picked out a random book and made my way to the kitchen to get some drinks. I got bored of the book and just laid down on the couch. I wish I had a brother or sister. I mean just somebody to talk to at home. All my friends have siblings.

Grace has a younger sister Holly, Eugene has an older brother Zack and a younger sister Ella. Drake has 3 sisters and 1 brother. Luna,Violet, Scott and Kate. They all have happy families and then theirs mine. Just my mother and I, nobody else, but deep down inside I'm happy that I don't have another sibling. If I did my mother would definitely force them to do something that will earn her more money.

I haven't seen my Dad since I was 7 I don't even remember how he looks like, don't have his number or a picture of him.

I wonder how my life would be like if I lived with my Dad instead.

Shoutout to


For encouraging me to finish this chapter. I would have actually stop post without her comments. Go check her books out

My ex best friend
The pure broken heart


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