Chapter 13

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"So what happened on your date? I need to know everything" Grace said. "Grace I'm tired, I just want to sleep" I took another make up wipe and started taking off my make up. "Come on Fay just tell me" Grace said bouncing on my bed. "Grace.." I started but got interrupted by Grace. "No I'm not leaving till you tell me everything. Where did you go? How was he like? Please tell me you guys at least kissed or something?" Grace said firing question after question.

"No Grace I didn't fucking kiss him" I snapped at her. "He wanted to kiss me and it was the perfect moment. On a beach in front of the sunset but no, instead of kissing him I awkwardly leaned away and ran back to the car" I aggressively kicked my heals off throwing them in my closet. "Faith..." Grace said walking towards me. I ignored her and continued. "It was the perfect moment and I screwed it up. He's never going to talk to me again. The car ride back was so awkward" I put my hair net on looking at myself in the mirror.

"Faith listen to me. If you felt like you weren't ready to kiss him you weren't ready, it's simple. If he doesn't understand that he's a fuck boy" Grace said giving me a small hug. "Sorry I yelled at you". "It's fine you had to get it off your chest. As much as I want to stay here I have to go back home to take care of Holly, date night for my parents. You can stay at mine if you want" Grace said grabbing her bag. "It's fine I think I need to be alone for some time" I walked her to the door. "Ok I'll talk to you tomorrow bye" she waved goodbye and went on her way.

Locking the door, I went straight to my room thinking of what would have happened if I kissed him. I was putting my dress back in the hanger when my phone vibrated.

Alex - Hope you enjoyed our date

Me - I did thanks

I put my phone on silent and went to bed.


I woke up and went straight to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and quickly washed my face. I fixed the covers on my bed and checked the time.


Decent time to wake up. I made my way downstairs to eat some breakfast. I opened the fridge scanning for anything to eat finding only half a bottle of milk, some fruit that looked like they've been sitting there for weeks and a lot of beer.

Guess I'm eating cereal for breakfast, it would be a smart idea to go grocery shopping.

I ate half of my half stale cereal and threw the rest down the sink. I went back upstairs and took a longer shower than I expected. I got dressed in plain black leggings, dark grey hoodie with black runners to match. I tied my hair in a messy bun not caring how it looks.

I jogged back downstairs about to grab a key but let my hand hover over it. Should I call an uber or just take one of mother's cars? For some stupid reason I'm not really aloud to drive her car even though I'm 18 and have my driving license. My mother thinks I'll crash the car the moment I get it even though I'm 100% sure I'm a better driver than her. I mean she's not here so she won't find out I took it. I got in one of her less expensive cars, the Jeep, just in case and went on my way.

I parked the car being extra careful not to scratch the car. I got a shopping trolley and started looking through my list. "First thing is cereal" I muttered to myself putting in my earphones.

Going up and down the aisle dumping fruit, vegetables and other ingredients I need to cook plus a few snacks. I paid for the groceries and packed them in the 4 bags. Rummaging through my bag I got the key out and dumped all the bags in the booth. Closing the booth I walked back to drop the trolley. "Faith?" I heard a voice said. I took the coin out, turning around to see Alex standing a bit far away from me wearing dark grey shorts, red tank top and runners.

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