Chapter 9

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"...and then Drake tumbled down the hill screaming. The hill wasn't even that big it was like a tiny hill " Eugene said grabbing more fries. All of us were crying with laughter watching Drake finishing his 4th burger. "I was only nine. That was scary for a nine year old" Drake said turning away from all of us.

"Please when I was 7 my brothers dared me to jump off the roof for $10" Maya said taking a sip of her Dr Pepper. We all stared at Maya wide eyed. "You did what?" I asked. She looked up to see out shocked faces. "Don't worry it was only my grandma's bungalow that I jumped off. I only got a scratch on my knee" she lifted up her leg to show us the scar. "Wow you have some balls to do that" Grace said slapping Drakes hand away from her chips, again. All of us raised our drinks in agreement. Maya raised her eyebrows looking at the four of us raising our glasses. "It's a thing we do when we agree on something" Drake said giving her his 'I'm so lovable smile' . "Might as well join in then " she raised her can of Dr Pepper winking at Drake.

From the corner of my eye I could see Grace glaring at Maya and Drake.

"Faith should we take the picture now before we forget?" Maya stood up wiping away the crumbs off her lap. "Yeah let's do that now". We went to an empty booth beside the window. I gave her my phone picking up my milkshake as she took at least 50 pictures of me. "Wow look at these pictures. Faith you look flawless in all of them" she showed me the pictures and she was right. I actually looked decent. "That's the power of Veronica's make up skills" I said laughing it off. "Now give me your phone I'll take your picture" I put my milkshake down holding out my hand for her phone. "Nah I'm not taking my picture in here" she looked around the restaurant before shaking her head. "Follow me I know the perfect place" she said running out the restaurant.

I followed Maya outside the restaurant where she gave me her phone. Her green eyes glowing with excitement and with that...she ran into the middle of the road. "Maya what the actual fuck are you doing? Get back here " I yelled looking around to see if any cars were coming. "Take as many picture as possible before a car comes" she squat on the floor waiting for me to take the picture. I hesitated a bit before she screamed at me "Faith just fucking do it!". I did as she said taking at least 30 pictures before she ran back to the sidewalk seconds later a car zoomed past us.

"Maya, care to explain why you just ran into the middle of the road for a picture?" I watched cars zoom past wonder what would have happened if Maya didn't move on time. "It's kinda my thing you see, doing dangerous things. Like that.." she pointed at the road looking back at me "..that's nothing. I once took a picture hanging off a building that had 20 floors, I was also hanging off the building with only one hand" she took her phone off me ignoring my shocked expression. "Did you have a harness on or anything?" I asked praying she would say yes or obviously. "Of course not that would ruin the photo, now let's go back I want more burgers before Drake finishes the last one. Did you see the way he finished those 4 burgers in like 3 minutes?" she dragged me back inside.

We went back inside to see Grace pissed, a wet Drake holding his cheek and Eugene with his phone out laughing. "We were gone for like five minutes how much did we miss?" Maya whispered to me. "What happened now?" I sighed. Grace and Drake stayed silent as Eugene showed us the video on his phone.

We watched the video of Drake repeatedly trying to get Grace fries and Grace slapping his hands away. Finally it looked like Grace had enough and poured her Sprite all over his head. Drake looked shocked and annoyed "What did I do? Are you on your period or something?" he pushed his hair back and before he knew it Grace slapped him across the face - hard. Eugene and Maya started laughing at the video as I just stared at Grace with my arms crossed. "Don't give me that look, I'm already in a bad mood and he asked for it" she looked like she was trying not to cry. "Hey I think I'll take Grace home will you guys be ok?" Grace got up and walked out the restaurant. "Yeah sure I'll call an uber for all of us when we're ready" Eugene said handing me Grace's bag. I said my goodbyes before rushing out to catch up with Grace.

"You alright?". She didn't answer my question so I linked her arm with mine. "Let's go to the park it's right over there". We walked to the park and sat down on the swings. A moment of silence past between us before I built up the courage to ask her. "Why did you slap Drake? He always tries to take your food but you've never slapped him..well you've never slapped him hard enough". She played with her hair ignoring me once again but I continued, swinging a bit higher. "And I know this isn't the right time but I saw you giving Maya a dirty look as well what was that about?". "I think I love him.." she whispered a single tear running down her face. I stopped swinging almost immediately jumping off the swing to go to her. "You love someone?". She looked up at me her dark brown eyes full of tears slowly nodding her head. "Grace are you serious? Grace I'm so happy for you who is it?" I held her hands waiting for her to tell me the special person.

She pushed past me and sat down on a nearby bench "I can't.." she cried. "Just tell me Grace you can tell me anything you know that right? " I wiped her tears away. "Drake..I think I like Drake. Like him as in like like him. More than friends kinda like" she gave me a worried smile. I froze hoping my ears didn't device me "Drake as in our Drake?" she nodded laughing to herself quietly. "For how long have you felt like this?" I asked quietly not even sure if she could hear.

"Probably about 6 months or so, when we went karaoke. It was when we both started singing the duet when he held my hand and brought me close to him.." she hugged her legs, a small smile on her face. "To me we had a moment then all of a sudden I was feeling hot all over, there was butterflies in my stomach..this sounds so cliche and all but it's true" she wiped her tears away the smile never leaving her face. "Ever since then it's just been torture to be around him without telling him how I feel. I don't want to tell him incase he doesn't feel the same. I don't want to ruin our friendship" she paused for a moment before shaking her head.

"When I saw Drake and Maya laughing and smiling with each other I got... jealous I guess. I slapped him cause for some stupid reason I felt like he was cheating on me even though he's not mine. Can we go home now? If I keep on going I'll cry again" she blinked her eyes trying to stop the tears from flowing down. "Sure let's go. I'll drive your car" I took the keys from her bag when she stopped me in my tracks. "Ok I know I'm a hot mess but you are not driving my car. Hand them over". I groaned in defeat handing her back her keys.

Grace has never let anybody drive her new car in case we 'destroy it'. I mean come on it's a Tesla I don't even know how we can destroy it.

"Want to eat ice-cream and talk shit about boys?" I asked as we got closer to the car. "I swear you know me so well. Race ya" and with that both of us sprinted to the car. Of course Grace won since she actually excise more than me. "Besides I have some boy drama of my own I need to sort out" I muttered more to myself than Grace. "What boy problem?" she asked. I sighed "Just drive to my house I'll tell you everything" I leaned back a bit in the chair. "Won't your mother be home? " she started the car and looked at me. "She's probably out clubbing with some guy like usual " I rolled my eyes thinking about my mother drooling over some guy that's 10 years younger than her.

"Let's go then" and with that we drove to my house


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