Chapter 6

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We stepped inside the building and walked over to the reception desk to see the receptionist who was busy typing away and answering calls. She looked very posh with her blonde hair in a neat bun, wearing a white blouse with a black pencil skirt.

"Faith Jackson. Here for the interview with Mr Hilton, to be part of this extraordinary agency which I'm positive that she is going to get the spot. Now hurry up so we can meet Mr Hilton" my mother said slamming the envelope on the desk. "Please wait one second, just need to finish typing this out and I'll be right with you" she gave us a smile before typing faster. "How dare you make us wait?! I swear you middle class peasant just get rudder by the minute , you're even lucky you got this job" my mother eyed her up and down looking at her with pity and disgust. "Excuse me?" her cheeks turned bright red.

That's when I sighed and pushed my dramatic mother aside. "Hi I'm sorry for my Mum's rude greeting, it seems like she has forgotten to take her pills today " I glared at my mother before smiling back at the secretary. "Here is the letter I got from Mr Hilton requesting me to come see him". She scanned the letter and looked back at me. "Go to the 10th floor and somebody will see you there" she handed me back the letter giving me a small smile. "Thank you and I apologise once again" I sprinted towards the elevator not caring if my Mum was with me or not.

The elevator doors opened as I rushed inside eagerly pressing the button. "Faith keep the door open" she said as she struggled to walk faster in her 7 inch high heels. I shrugged and smirked as the door closed and the elevator started moving. I did a small victory dance punching my fist in the air. "Well that was just amusing to watch" a voice chucked. I let out a small shirk before spinning around.

Holy shit.

In front of me was a guy around my age wearing blue denim jeans with a white t-shirt and a black leather jacket. His black hair was slightly messed up as he showed his perfect white teeth. His face looked very familiar but I couldn't remember where I've seen him. "Sorry I didn't see you there". "No worries it was actually quite enjoyable watching you dance" he gave me a smile again showing me his dimples.

God I have a weakness for dimples

"I'm Alex and you are?" he held out his hand waiting for me to shake it. I hesitated a bit wondering if I should tell this random stranger that I just met my name. "I'm Faith.. Faith Jackson" I shook his hand as I stared into his beautiful brown eyes. "Nice to meet you Faith. I'm not a psychic or anything but I'm pretty sure that lady is pretty pissed at you". "That's just my mother, she'll get over it. I have an interview with Mr. Hilton so I'm trying to get there before she does just incase she tries to embarrass me or worse tries to be rude to the employees again" I stuffed the envelope in my purse. He let out a chuckle shaking his head slightly making his hair to bonce all over the place.

"Do I know you from somewhere? You look very familiar, like I've seen you before?" I tilted my head left to right trying to figure out where I've seen him. "Nope haven't met you before till I saw your elevator dance". I groaned "Oh God, please just pretend like you never saw that" I covered my face with embarrassment. "Fine I'll pretend like I never saw that.." he said simply. "Thank you so much" I said laughing with relief. "But... just so you know there is a camera right there" he pointed to the corner of the elevator and there it was.. a fucking camera. I groaned even louder as he just laughed at me, his laugh was so contagious that I started laughing along with him.

As the elevator doors opened he looked at me "Well this is my stop, hope to see you around Faith Jackson" he winked and before I knew it he was gone. He seemed sweet and so gorgeous but I know I've seen him somewhere before. The doors opened and I walked over to another reception desk with another woman behind it furiously typing away. "Hi I'm -" "Faith Jackson?" she said cutting me off while not even looking away from the computer . "Yeah..?" I replied clearly confused how she knew it was me. "Third door on your left" she took a sip of her coffee and continued typing away. "Thanks.." I muttered.

Third door on the left.. Third door on the left..

I counted the doors again making sure I was correct before I built up the courage to knock on the door. Few seconds later the doors flew open and there was the man himself, Mr Charles Hilton. "Ahh you must be Miss Jackson please come in" he said walking back to his desk. I followed him, closing the door on my way in, noticing there was four other people in the room. Two girls and two guys. I took a seat beside one of the guys. "Now that we have everybody, you are all welcome to Hilton Cliché. So you all know why your here, for an interview right?". We all nodded. "Well you're all wrong. You are all already part of Hilton Cliché already" he leaned back in his chair taking a sip of his tea. "Wait what? What do you mean we are already part of the agency? We were supposed to take a few pictures then over the next few weeks we have to do these teamwork activities and all that other stuff" one of the girls said. She had wavy pastel peach hair. " I see you've done your research Miss Andrews but you've already done that". Now all of us were clearly confused.

"Ok let me explain. For the last 3 weeks we have been keeping an eye on 20 models that we thought would be suitable for our agency. All 20 of you went to shoots that were organised by us to see how you'll do. After some time we got to find out who was perfect for our agency which left the 5 of you" he moved his files ever so slightly to make sure they were perfect.

"So the 5 of us are already part of Hilton Cliché Agency? " the guy that was sitting beside me asked. He nodded taking another sip of his tea. "Now all of you introduce yourself to each other while I'll get your mentor" he gave us a wink and walked out.

"Wow I actually can't believe I made it.." the guy muttered to himself. He had big glasses on, his dark brown hair was carefully styled back making sure no hair was sticking out. "Well let's get this introduction over and done with. I'm Maya Andrews" the girl with pastel peach hair said. "I'm Nicholas Bonnard but my friends call me Nick". Nick had dirty blonde hair and green cat like eyes. His collard shirt was rolled up to his elbows pairing it off with dark blue ripped jeans. " Simon Smith" he gave us a small smile.

The other girl got up, she looked perfect with her curly blonde hair reaching her waist, bright blue eyes, plumbed lips good skin, she basically looked like the barbie dolls that Grace use to have. She looked so innocent with her baby blue dress that stopped above her knee.

"You've all probably heard of me before or seen me on billboards but incase you've been living under a rock for the past 5 years. I am Beatrice Davidson the 3rd". She said it in such a sweet voice flipping her hair before sitting back down.

They all stared at me waiting for me to introduce myself "Oh I'm Faith Jackson" I said. "Now that's over what do we do know?" Nick asked clearly getting bored. "I'll tell you what you can do Mr Bonnard. You can meet your new mentor for the week" we all spun around to see Mr Hilton standing in front of a man. "Meet Mr Gomez who has been in this agency for 6 years and has been in nearly every magazine, fashion show, cat walk you name it. He will be your mentor for the week" Mr Hilton stepped out of the way to reveal the dimples I saw this morning
Alex. He gave us a smile scanning the room and when his brown eyes landed on me his smile got wider.


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