Chapter 15

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"So where are we going?" I asked putting on my seat belt. "Nowhere fancy this time, we'll probably just go to a little cafe. We can get some coffee and you can try their amazing red velvet cupcakes" Alex said starting the car. "Wait is this a date? It sounds like a date.. will this be our second date?" I mumbled to myself. From the corner of my eye I see Alex smiling at me. "Do you want it to be our second date?" he said. "Shit you actually heard me?" I moaned covering my face. He laughed at me "If you want this to be a second date you can just say so. I didn't want to pressure you into going out with me since you wanted to take it slow" he ran his fingers through his hair. "Yeah, I guess I do want this to be a second date. Just remember I have to back before 3" I said. "Well then, get ready for our second date Miss Faith Jackson" He nodded giving me a big smile before looking back at the road.

We talked for a while before he parked in front of a cute little cafe. "You are going to love their red velvet cupcakes. They are like heaven in your mouth" he said holding my hand. "I'll take your word for it. These better be the best cupcakes I've ever had in my entire life" I said giggling. We entered the little cafe which was surprisingly really colourful inside compared to the outside. We chose a table at the corner of the cafe. Alex pulled out my chair waiting for me to sit down "Why thank you, always such a gentleman" I said sitting down. "I try my best" he said laughing. We both looked at the menu "So what should I get since you have been here before?" I said glancing at him. His brown eyes scanned the menu quickly before looking back at me smiling. "Well since you asked I would recommed-" he got cut off by 3 girls who came to our table giggling.

"Hi sorry to disturb you but you are Alex Gomez right?" said a girl with blonde hair. "The one and only" Alex said grinning. "OMG OMG OMG" the girls screamed. "My name is Sadie, that's Molly and Betty" said Sadie. "Can we get a picture with you? We are such big fans" said Molly. "Em well actually I'm-" he glanced over at me almost like he was asking for my permission. "It's fine Alex go ahead. I'll even take the picture for you guys" I offered taking the blonde girl, Sadie's, phone. "Thank you" Alex mouthed. I took a couple pictures of them and tried to hand Sadie back her phone. "Wait can we do a different pose? I don't like that one" Sadie said looking at the pictures. The girls agreed with her and started begging for another picture. "Oh... sure just tell me when you're ready" I said taking her phone again.

This went on for a good 5 minutes. Me taking the picture and the girls whining, insisting that they don't like the picture. At this point I was getting really fustrated and tired of taking the same picture. Alex noticed and stepped in. "Hey girls it's been lovely meeting you but I would really love to have some lunch. Have a big shoot today" he said giving them a small smile. "Oh my gosh we understand Alex! Thank you so much! We love you so much" they all said at once. They grabbed their phones and left the cafe happy with their hundreds of pictures with the famous Alex Gomez. "Finally I thought they would never leave" I muttered rolling my eyes. "Sorry about that. Now how about we get some cupcakes?" he said grinning at me.

We ordered our food and 10 miutes later it arrived. We ordered some coffee, a sandwich and two of the red velvet cupcakes Alex had been going on about. "So Faith tell me more about yourself?" Alex said sipping on his coffee. "What do you want to know?". "Anything. We didn't talk much about each other on our last two dates." he said adjusting his watch. "Wait we've only been on one date making this our second right?" I questioned. "Well if you count the first date and the time I came over to your house and we watched the Incredibles, I'll say that this is our third date"he reached out and held my hand.

Oh my gosh don't panic-

"I guess you are right. How about I just ask you a question then you can ask me whatever you want?"I asked trying to remain calm. "Sounds good to me. You go first" his smile got wider showing his dimples. "Ok what's your favorite part of your job?" I took a sip of my coffee waiting for his answer. "Favorite part? Well if I had to choose it's probably my fans. I mean without their support I wouldn't be who I am today" he gently rubbed my hand slowly. "Aww that's so sweet. You're such a softie" I teased. "Yeah yeah ok my turn" he paused for a moment thinking of a question. "Do your friends like me? The last time I saw them they were threatening to kill me if I even think about hurt you" he chuckled. "Eugene and Drake have always been really protective of me so honestly I'm not sure but I do know that Grace likes you"I answered taking a bite of my sandwich. "Well I still have time to change their minds since I'll be staying around for some time" he squeezed my hand a little and slowly rubbed it.

Why am I feeling so nervous?

" about we try these cupcakes?" I said laughing nervously. "Sure you go first I want to see your reaction" Alex said passing me my cupcake. The cupcake looked like it had a buttercream icing with sprinkles all around it. I took a tiny bite not expexting much and "Holy shit this is good" I immendiantly took another bite. "It's" I tried to find the right words to describe this amazing taste in my mouth but couldn't think of anything. "Like heaven in your mouth?" Alex said laughed before taking a bite. I gave him a thumbs up before continuing to eat the cupcake.

"Wow that was honestly so amazing. You know I should really go out with you more often. You know all these amazing places to eat" I said finishing my coffee and cupcake. "I'm glad you are enjoying our date Faith and- oh you have something on your face" Alex said pointing at my lips. I got a napkin and wiped my mouth. "No wait it's- I'll just do it" he took the napkin of me and gently wiped my mouth. "There, all gone" he whispered. We were so close to each other, I could feel myself getting lost in his eyes and noticed him glancing down at my lips. "Faith I..-" Alex mumbled. I slowly leaned in and kissed him. His lips were soft and I could smell his colgone. He gently caressed my face while pulling me in closer. We stayed like this for a few secounds before slowly pulling away. "Wow.." I whispered.

Why am I whispering? Wait did I just kiss him? Oh my gosh it was magical though.

Before we could say anything else my alarm went off. "Shoot I have to go now. Supposed to be back by 3" I said avoiding his eye. "Let's go then. We don't want you to be late" he said grinning. He paid the bill and we went back to his car. We drove back and for the whole ride I couldn't stop smiling.

We arrived at Hilton Cliche and Alex parked his car. "Soo...thank you for an amazing third date" I said picking up my bag. "No problem I had fun and I honestly can't wait to see you again" Alex said. "Are you not coming in?" I questioned. "Unfortunatly no I have...other matters I must attend to" he said sighing. "Oh ok guess I'll talk to you later" I opened the door and as I was about to get out when Alex held my hand "Wait!". "What's wrong?" I asked. "You forgot something" he said smirking. I looked around his car confused. "What did I forget?" and before I could say anything else he leaned in and kissed me. I was shocked at first but quickly kissed back. It was a good yet short kissed. He gave me another quick peck before leaning back. "You forgot that. See you later Faith" he said with a smile so big I could see his cute dimples. "Bye Alex" I said leaving the car not even trying to hide my smile.


I walked into Hilton Cliche and went inside the elevator. Just as the doors were closing Nick quickly rushed in. "Thank God I thought I was late as well" he said smirking at me. "Nice to see you too Nick and no we still have 5 minutes" I said pressing the button again. "So what do you think we will be doing today?" Nick said fixing his hair. "I have no idea maybe trying on outfits, practicing for the show and all that" I said shrugging. "Well hopefully it's not too boring" he said walking out of the elevator. We walked past the Sarah the secretary as she greeted us as normal and made our way to room 12.

"Finally we have everybody here now let's get started" said Maria. We sat down and waited for her to speak. "You guys are part of the show and will be on the red carpet in three weeks. So we have to be serious and here is the schedule we came up with but before I go ahead have any of you been on a red carpet?" Maria asked getting out her clipboard. Beatrice immediantly put up her hand "I've been on a red carpet a few times so I'm sure I'm fine" Beatrice said flipping her hair back. "Of course you have" Maya said rolling her eyes earning a dirty look from Beatrice. "Ok so you only need a little bit of work as for the rest of you we will be planning your outfits and practicing your poses and all that. Understand?" Maria asked. We all looked at each other and nodded in agreement. "Well then, let's get started"


Well guess who's back? Since Corona has closed down my school and I can't go out I was like "Hey I should start writing again". Even though I should be studying I'm honestly not bothered. Hope you enjoy this chapter. It's kinda short cause I'm still getting used to writing again.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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