Chapter 1 -Thank you Lora

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Let me introduce myself first. My name is Analia Hope. I'm 17 years old. My parents died when I was 6 years old. Now i live with my aunt Lora. She is amazing. I call "mom" most of the time. I go to Josh Marshall High School. It's kind of boring out there but not with friends like mine...


Monday 12 March 2014

"Take it low ...pick it up slow...roll it all around take it .." ugh my alarm again. I hate mondays. Why do I have to wake up every day? That's the most hateful thing ever. I don't even wanna go to school today so I'm just gonna stay in bed all day. Yeah good idea lemme just turn my alarm off and...

"Ani wake up sweetheart it's monday!!" ughhhhhh Jesus why me? I love her with all my heart but Lora is such a pain in the ass sometimes. I'm 17 years old for God sake lemme sleep...

"Cmon Ani breakfast is ready!" and she screamed again. Can someone throw shoes at her please? Yeah? Ok thanks. Sometimes people can't understand the word "tired" ...

"Analia Hope don't make me come upstairs. Move ur ass down here right now!!"Oh shit did she just said my whole name? She did right?!

"Yeah MOM I'm coming I was in the bathroom!" In the bath my ass... I'm kinda hungry actually. I can already smell the bacon and eggs..

"Ok sweety I have a lot of work to do today so I might not come home tonight is that ok with you?" She asked me like I was upset or something. If it's ok with me? Hello there my darling. You not coming home tonight?Oh I can already hear 'get ready for Ani's party tonight!'

"Oh again? But you promised me that we can watch "Family" together tonight!" I said fakehurt. The last thing I wanted to do is watching a stupid movie with my aunt tonight. Hell no...

"Don't be sad sweety u will be alright" oh I'm sure about that " Ok I have to go . If you need anything just call me. Bye!" she kissed my forehead and walked out of the house . "oh I will call you for sure Lora !!" Yeah right.

Next thing to do. Let's text Sarah . She is my bestfriend and my bitch. I call her bitch because she is one lol I mean she's flirting with everyone in this school.

A- Analia

S- Sarah

A - hey wussup? xx

S- uhh just woke up,my mom is killing me xx

A- oh I know that feelin' . Lora is such a pain in the ass sometimes but anyways. I've got great news xx

S- If you hanging out with Mr.Jake again is something new then u're on drugs...

A- No u lil cunt. Lora is not home tonight so u know what that means xx

S- noooo shit! Partyyyyyy ok wait lemme call Jake and Cody and Jessika and everybodyy

A- ok hold on monkey I choose who's coming or not

S- uh yeah u're right but can Mattias comeee?! xx

A- Mattias from the math class?

S- yep xx


S- no u idiot ...

A- oh ok I got it but promise me that u won't make out with in in MY bed..

S- I promise !! Wohooo thanks see ya at school loveeeeeeeuu

Okee? So tonight it's gonna be amazing . Without the fact that Mattias's gonna fuck Sarah until she can't feel her legs anymore but yeah...

That guy is a nerd but I have to admit it that he is hot like very hot!

Now I have to make my hair cause ...

"You've got a message" ugh what does she ..

Unknown - So my little baby is having a party tonight. Can't wait xxxxx

Who the hell is that? Jack is messing around again for sure. Oh imma cut his hair off ...

Heyyy u theree !! Thank u so so much for reading. I really want this to work seriously. PS : I hope that (waa I just used the word HOPE oh I'm a badass) so I hope that (ohhhh I did it again) that u are +13 or that u have the permision to read this cause there might be sexual parts later soo...

I'm really exited for what's next !!xx

Sorry for the mistakes !

I'll post every monday,wednesay and friday (: xx

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