Chapter 7 - Missed calls

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Analia's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes. Ugh I am so stupid. I knew that he wanted to leave a hickey on my neck but this? This is crazy ! There are kickeys everywhere. Oh Lorn Analia what have you done..

I saw him at the door , staring at me. Then he came closer , that's when I covered my neck with my hair. He came closer and ofcourse , he mover my hair and looked at me in the mirror.

"See this baby girl? This , is a sign. Actually , a lot of signs " he giggled when he said that. Wow , I never even realised ...

"Those hickeys right here . They look perfect on you" uhm bipoar much? "You know what that means. That means that now , you belong to me"

After hearing what he said , I turned my head to him at stared at him in disgust.


How can he say that to me? I don’t belong to anyone. I’m nobody’s fucking toy. After hearing what he said , I ran upstairs and headed in the first room that I saw. Once i entered there , I sa a huge king bed in the middle of the room , a bathroom and a huge  wardrobe. Like wow , for a kiddnapper he has style.

Jason’s POV

I saw her running upstairs with tears in her eyes. What the fuck just happend? First we almost made out , yeah made out like me just driving her crazy but anyway , it’s still a so called “made out” and all of a suddent she got mad for what? I saw her going to ... my ... room. Well damn ...

“Where the fuck do you think you’re going!” after that , I ran after her. When I was about to go in she closed the door in my face. What the fuck has gotten into her? Is this what teenagers are doing all the time or is she acting like a bitch!?

“Analia open the door!” nothing. I knocked on the door but still ... “Analia open this damn door or I’ll break it I swear!” still nothing. Ugh she’s making me mad ... and this is not good.

“Get out of here! I don’t want to talk to you!”

“Oh really! And why’s that huh? What the fuck have I done, pleasured you way too much!!” fucking God. Oh just fuck off..

I went downstairs , got my carkeys from the table and went to the gang , but not before setting the alarm. If she’s trying to escape , she’ll regret it.

-skipping car ride-

Who does she think she is acting like that? I just wanna know what in the world have I done or said that she reacted the way she fucking reacted! I picked my phone and called her again ang again and again but ofcourse , the miss wouldn’t pick up.


“What’s up bro? Love problems!?” screamed Ryan from the kitchen. Oh the moron is here. Great. Can this day get more interesting that it already is? I saw him walking trowards me with that sick smile on his creepy face. Oh he’s drunk ..

“My nigggaaaa!! Come here give daddy Ryan a hugggg!!” oh Lord. He opened his arm to hug me , I could already smell the alcohol ...ugh gross. Yeah I know that maybe , just maybe I smell like this too when I’m drunk but still ...

“Bitch get the hell away from me , you smell bad af”

“Whyyy you gotta be so rudeeee!! Don’t you know I’m ....” I covered his mouth the second after.  I knew what was about to come next. Singing , dancing and then crying over his ex ex ex ex ex girlfriend .

“I swear if you start this again I’ll cut your hair. Just stop ... I’m not in a good mood ok?”

I left him standing there and I tried to call Analia again but still nothing. I hope (hehe) that she’s not trying something stupid , I’m really not in the mood for that. I just don’t get why , why is she mad at me? What have I done ? Jesus this is gonna be more difficult than I though ...

Analia’s POV

I was watching TV at the moment. Maybe you’re asking yourself why am I not trying to escape?  Well , you can ask this how much you want cause I don’t even know why am I still sitting here, watching TV in my kidnapper’s house. Maybe because I don’t want to go. Maybe because I want him to apoligize to me for what he said ...

I got up by the sound of something. I went to the kitchen and there was a phone.



How in the world? I started to read some of the messages.

Message 6 : Analia pick up the phone...

Message 19 : Tell me what have I done?

Message 21 : Don’t be like this. Pick up the damn phone and let’s talk about it.

Yeah , right. Like he cares . He’s probably fucking some slut right now so why should I answer him. Or maybe , maybe he does care and he’s just trying to figure out why I got mad ... ughhh

It’s already 11 PM and he’s not back yet. I am feeling so tired after all. I’ll just go to sleep in his room , that bed is huge ...

-          2: 45 PM    -


I woke up by the sound of the front door . Omg. Someone’s in the house. What if it’s another psycho who’s trying to kidnapp me? Or an bad old man trying to kill me! I was scared. So scared that I couldn’t move but , I don’t now how  I made my way to the door and I opened it slowly , but I couldn’t see anything. I stepped out a little then I turned around to see ...


Thank you guys so much for reading this. Like seriously , I am so thankful.

Jus's new pictures are so cute :>

Ok I'm gone .

• Next update |SUNDAY |

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