Chapter 11 - Let me show you

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Analia's POV

There is something. Absolutely. I can feel it I just ...I don't want to admit it. Maybe it's because I am scared or maybe just because it can't be happening. I just feel like I'm trapped in this whole ass situation where I am just stuck. You've ever felt that before? Not knowing what's going on or how to fix things? The question is ... what is there to fix?

I feel like I'm slowly falling for a guy who's not right for me, who doesn't care about me or my feelings or If I'm hurt. Someone who doesn't care about anyone else than himself wich sucks, because no matter how much I try to deny it I start caring about him. I don't even know how this happen. As far as I know it's quite normal to fall for someone who gives you the feeling of being safe, of being loved and feeling secure around that person. I don't feel that way around him and still, slowly, everytime he is next tome my heart starts beating faster. I can feel it. It's like I can't even breathe anymore but then I rememer. I remember that he is just my kidnapper who's goal is no other than hurt me because that's what makes him happy... The pain, the pain I get in my chest when he is acting like a total douchebag, that kind of pain that I've never experienced before...

I just can't.

I can't fall for him.

It's not right.

Jason's POV

I meant what I said. She is mine. Nobody else's and she needs to get used to that.

I made my way over to the kitchen to grab something to eat and after a few minutes I could here someone coming throwards here slowly. I turned around and there was she with a sad face on, I wonder why now.

' You want something to eat?'

' No thanks... I'm not hungry'

'Cmon Ana , you haven't eaten since, well, you know when, let me make you something to eat'

' I said that I am not hungry Jason, wich part didn't you understand??'

' Ok why are you being like this now? Why are you mad?'

'Just drop it Jason ..ok'

' No I won't drop it Ana. What is wrong with you? Look I know I messed up ok? I wasn't there for you when that asshole came in and I apologize for that. I tried to talk after all of that happend but you didn't even wanna let me in. Now I am here trying to figure out a way to tell you that I am sorry and what are you doing, acting like a child. You knowm I usually don't give a flying fuck about anything happening around here that doesn't involve me and the first time I do something likethis happends. God you can be such a pain in the ass ... '


'Jason what? What do you want me to do? Knock on your door standing on my knees begging you to talk to me? Well I won't. So you either accept my apology or just stay mad and be childish like you usually are' and with that being said I just went upstairs. I'm not in the mood to get mad now. Not at all.If she wants to understand, all cool with me. I won't beg for shit. Sometimes I just wanna grab her by the waist and push her to me and smash my lips on hers to make her shut up but I won't do that soon cause the next second I'll probably see  a chair flying in the air directly to  my face or something. Sometimes I wonder if she ever thinks about me diffrently than just her kidnapper. Not that I care but just you know. Nevermind.

I decided to take a quick shower before heading to my gang members but just as I stepped in the bathroom I could hear my phone ring. I wonder who that is this late at night.

Analia's POV

Not knowing if I should grab something to eat since I told him that I ain't hungry, all of a sudden I hear a phone ringing. I began stepping closer to where the sound came from and I saw Jason's phone. Should I pick up? What if he doesn't hear it? What if it's something important and I can finally get my ass out of here!

not like you want to but ok (voice in my head)

Ugh shut it. I'll just pick up what's the worse that can happen besided him getting angry. Y'all right. Nothing lol

/ hello

/ yo bro are you done down there we kinda need you right now

/ uh excuse me who's this?

/ James Franco who's there?

/ it's ...

I couldn't even respond when someone snatched the phone from my hand.

' Sorry baby girl do you mind? Thanks'

/ Jason here

/ Oh hello there bossy bossss who was that on the phone Rapunzellllll hmm??!!

/ cut the crap Ryan what do you want?

/ well if you're done with your little love life me and the rest were wondering if you're ass is gonna show up today or nah

/ yea I'll be there soon just hang on

'Who was that?'

'Why are you so curious? And since when do you take my calls?'

' I am not curious I just wanted to know and so you know, I was just doing you a favour. I thought that It could have been an important call. Anyway. I'm going to take a shower.

And oh by the way, Jason?'


'Are you done with your little love life?' I said that with a little smirk on my face as I turned around and went upstairs to shower cause dangggg I smell horrible. Am I the only one who smells their armpits first?

Jason's POV

That smirk right there, killed me a bit. I love how she can be all mad and childish at a point then turns into a little brat in just a few seconds.

It's been already almost an hour and she's still taking that shower. Hello there lady you ain't paing the bills around here slow down. Ofcourse she doesn't give a fuck , oh well ..

Watching the clock I can see that it's already 1AM what the heck is she doing. Shaving doesn't even take that long. I went to knock on the door hoping that she'd hear me but ofcourse nothing. I tried a few times more and still no response. I got a little annoyed so I did what anyone else would no. Closed the bathroom light.

'Hey! What do you think you're doing?! I am trying to shower here!!'

'Yeah well you've been doing it for the past hour and I need to shower too so I can get going'

'Well I am so sorry sir but you had to do it before me'

'Well excuse me mam. I tried to do that but some little cute brat decided to take over my calls'

' I do not care what your excuse is and wait did youjust call me cute?!'

'Cmon Ana I really need to shower time is running and I .. '

The door opened and she stood there in front of me with just a towel wrapped around her body with mascara all over her face and still some shampoo in her hair. Keep it all together Jason.

'Now if you'd excuse me' opens bathroom light 'I have to finish my shower'

'Woah woah there little girl. You've got mascara all over your face ' I said it while laughing a little.

'What? Where??'

'Right here ... let me show you' and with a smirk on my face which is prety sexy, I pushed her inside the bathroom and I closed the door behind us. Well I guess there goes my meeting with the gang huh

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